Example sentences of "[coord] [vb base] not [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 APART FROM ‘ Heaven Knows I 'm Miserable Now ’ , this was the only Smiths or Morrissey newie or reissue not to receive an NME review .
3 If for some reason you can not or choose not to attend a course , then you will have to find some means of charting your progress with the limited help made available by colleagues .
4 Whether two expressions do or do not mean the same is a matter of some importance , but , again , it is evidently not something we should expect informants to tell us directly .
5 In the meantime , the vast majority of Indian children either do not go to school or do not reach the end of primary school .
6 Well , the purpose of the County Council is to draw up a greenbelt local plan , and therefore it is a question of whether or not the sites fulfil or do not fulfil a greenbelt purpose .
7 The issue of standards of evidence arises now because of a case just argued before the US Supreme Court over whether data do or do not support the allegation that a drug called Bendectin , once widely prescribed to prevent morning sickness in pregnant women , causes limb deformities in newborn babies .
8 People in church do not usually sing when they either dislike or do not know a piece .
9 In particular , the project investigates the importance of children 's increasing awareness that they do or do not know the precise reference of particular words .
10 For films that need unusual cityscapes , especially those set in the future or in special situations ( such as extensive destruction ) , miniatures must be made if matte paintings are not sufficiently 3-D and convincing , or do not permit the required camera movement .
11 She feels SSDs which have not applied before , or do not have a clear commitment to HIV/AIDS , will ‘ have their work cut out for them ’ .
12 So please take on board that it is not good enough to answer that a notice was put up to tell people that they could claim , when many people are blind or disabled or do not have the wherewithal to understand .
13 The package has been successfully read out of LIFESPAN and updated , but can not be re-entered into LIFESPAN because you are either not the package manager or do not have an active DC referencing the package .
14 If different groups within the organisation resent or do not understand the work and contributions of other groups then there will be conflict .
15 Many people are illiterate or do not understand the technical language , so people learn by word of mouth or various other processes that money is available .
16 We do not believe that such operations can be shown to meet our public transport target safety level , and it may be that some of our European colleagues do not consider such operations to be public transport , or do not apply the same target level of safety to such operations .
17 He says : ‘ There is no place in the group for units that are subsidised or do n't make the right sort of return on capital employed . ’
18 Go on a train without a ticket , or do n't get a TV licence and the re is a substantial fine and a criminal record .
19 If you ca n't type or do n't own a typewriter , ask your friends .
20 If you 're planning to leave the lot to one person , or do n't have a lot to leave , buy a DIY will-pack from WH Smith or the Consumers ' Association .
21 The Corporation will also pay the reasonable cost of delivery to the Policyholder after repair of such loss or damage not exceeding the reasonable cost of transport to the address of the Policyholder as last advised .
22 That either they have n't been able to think about it very carefully , not looking at the real options , or have n't got an electric point , so they ca n't have an electric shredder , or whatever the appropriate way of dealing with the more sort of shrubby erm waste that they 're likely to have .
23 And conversely , if you find that you 're just not a dab hand at paint techniques , or have n't got the time to find out , there are now quite a few wallpapers available which reproduce the effects , but require not painting : just hang , and you have instant sponged , rag-rolled or marbled walls !
24 You can correct the errors in the specified input file using the editor $EDIT which can be accessed by pressing PF1/1 — the Breakout key ; the use of this key is fully described in Appendix A. When you leave the editor , LIFESPAN will display the Scan A Module page once again , exactly as it was before regardless of whether you have or have not corrected the error .
25 The particular point of interest ( Table 12b ) is the extent of any difference between the attitudes of people who are not using or have not used a type of credit , and the attitudes of those who have : when the attitudes of non-users are different , this may suggest either a misapprehension , or sometimes some genuine difference — in either case , perhaps worth further exploration .
26 If you have to use deodorant , use the unscented , roll-on variety and try not to breathe the fumes .
27 erm and try not to reinvent the wheel
28 But as you are determined to live it up and have a good time , you must watch your health and try not to burn the candle at both ends .
29 Better just to praise success and pretend not to notice the setbacks .
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