Example sentences of "[coord] [vb base] [pron] not [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Or let us not forget that research on Japan in the 1930s has revealed conflicts of interest between and within the military , zaibatsu , politicians and the bureaucracy .
2 What it comes down to is do we , or do we not approve of killing animals for fun do we approve of allowing a pack of dogs to hunt an animal to its death .
3 What about the cattle which our bird and animal loving army allows to graze on the latter , or do they not matter ?
4 ‘ But , ’ said the stranger , ‘ do you or do you not know that the law of England supposes every man to be innocent until he is proved — proved — to be guilty ? ’
5 Or do you not see any point in keeping them at all ? is the number to dial .
6 Have we or have we not made a mistake ?
7 He could talk to Michael Harvey and trust him not to make use of what he said .
8 and say anyone not joining in will be brought out in front of everybody else .
9 And let me not suggest that booksellers are blameless either .
10 And let us not forget the men of Sodom , the original buggers ( in the proper sense of that much used word ) .
11 Developer conferences these days seem to harbour a deep-seated resentment of Microsoft and , unfortunately , Allchin is not the most charismatic senior executive that Microsoft could have fielded — frankly he killed himself by an overlong demo ( and let us not forget that Gates himself is probably the only competitor to Jobs ’ title of demo king ) that crashed a couple of times .
12 Exactly , and let us not forget this either .
13 A deputation of Baldwin , the Lord Chancellor ( Cave ) and the Duke of Devonshire was appointed to wait upon Bonar Law and persuade him not to resign .
14 I suppose now you 're going to get timid , and tell me not to rock the boat . ’
15 Give my regards to your father and tell him not to worry . ’
16 As they square up to each other the spouses of the first three men ‘ Enter above ’ and implore them not to fight .
17 He indicated that he would telephone the editor and direct him not to publish anything .
18 If you have to clean a patient 's eyes , take great care and ask them not to move .
19 He woke me at two this morning and gave me his best horse and bid me not to stop till I had overtaken you on the way .
20 And do you not know that friars come and go … everywhere !
21 By now he was used to spending longer and longer periods alone , yet in that moment when she walked away he always experienced a brief sense of loss that made him want to rush after her and beg her not to go .
22 She longed to cling to him , to put her arms around his neck and beg him not to go .
23 ‘ Oh , blow it , ’ said Dolly , ‘ and fancy you not takin' the other ten quid for yourself .
24 And have we not got ta take care that we do n't we do n't have such an enormous list
25 Keep them to objective statements and re-remind them not to speculate on subjective reasons like ‘ emotional rejection ’ , ‘ lack of love ’ , etc .
26 One can sympathise with owners of great houses , faced with tax and running costs , but let them not think that furnishings of the standing of Kent 's at Houghton can simply be dispensed with as ‘ surplus to requirements ’ and that their loss from the house would not in future be regretted .
27 Of course , there may be those who would argue that the entrenchment of the middle ground in power would be a good thing that would lead to moderate government and stable policies , but let them not argue that it would also be fair or would give the majority of people what they wanted of government .
28 There was … but let me not digress .
29 BUT Let us not forget Let us not Oh , let's … ?
30 I believe the readers ads fulfil a necessary part of the market , but let us not forget our local and national dealers .
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