Example sentences of "[coord] [vb base] [pron] for what " in BNC.

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1 And so it considerably curtails the scope for morality , for it leads to such questions as : Why , if it is genetic factors that make people what they are , praise or blame them for what they do ?
2 She had never been afraid to look straightly at whatever fortune sent her , to map its every feature , and acknowledge it for what it was .
3 Surely it is time we stopped talking of elephants as if they were a commodity to be traded , like so many cans of paint , and accept them for what they are , ancient and splendid fellow inhabitants of the earth who share with us the joys of close kinship bonds and grieve when they are severed .
4 Occupied by its clichés , its principles , and its strategies , the sick mind of the central colourless figure unwittingly deploys subversive discursive counter-strategies that turn these ‘ conventional weapons ’ back on themselves and expose them for what they are .
5 Listen well when he tells us what happened out there to him and respect him for what he has done , and honour him , for at least he has given each of us hope and proof that escape is possible . ’
6 The natural physiological mechanisms put us in a state of alert and prepare us for what is called the fight-or-flight response .
7 " I 'd like to write to the marquis and thank him for what he did for me .
8 We will work hard and thank everybody for what they have done ’ . ’
9 When will you realise that so-called ‘ funny-man ’ Vic Reeves is n't actually funny and see him for what he is — a talentless , dumb Northerner .
10 Strip away the insincerity and the hype from the music business and see it for what it is , a jungle .
11 And if you are wise you will never pity the past for what it did not know , but pity yourself for what it did .
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