Example sentences of "[coord] [vb base] [pron] for his " in BNC.

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1 I doubted it because whatever the efficacy of Dr Gyggle 's treatment and however convincing his explanation of how a lonely and fucked-up boy built up a delusion both to compensate for the lack of a father and punish himself for his own Oedipal crime , I still could n't convince myself that I was entirely rid of my mage .
2 Early that summer the new curate took up his duties , and Father McGiff at last was able to sit at his desk of an evening and compose himself for his planned period of meditation .
3 It is a most important matter that a councillor should not take advantage of his position and use it for his own personal gain .
4 Furthermore when he does give way and claim it for his own , he loses it almost immediately to Gollum , who bites off Ring and finger with it .
5 Sigmar united the human tribes and forged a mighty army to rid the land of Orcs and claim it for his own .
6 Satan , who lacks creative originality , can only take that which God has created and misuse it for his own purposes .
7 Jeff Beck is a great guitarist and I respect and admire him for his talent , but no more so than an unknown guy down the road who 's also brilliant .
8 He adds : ‘ I write this letter to you in desperate search for help — let God hear my prayers for help and choose you for his messenger . ’
9 George would take the credit for all Tom 's successes and blame him for his own failures .
10 We should not blame him for being a man of his time but commend him for his remarkable vision and altruism .
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