Example sentences of "[coord] [vb base] [noun] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Whatever the reason , gay men have never united to take action or develop work with young people which challenges heterosexism — or sexism for that matter .
2 You could also add things like a new porch or garage , improved security measures , or make improvements to interior decor .
3 Even among senior players , outside pursuits were tolerated only so long as they did not affect a player 's performance or make football of secondary importance to him .
4 So in in terms of looking at this criterion , can you also er include within your thinking process , the need for the er or the possibility that the development of a new settlement could actually be a positive enhancement of the environment or make use of derelict land .
5 I 'm not going to bother to comment on the individual allegations in the letter or cite examples on non-Welsh violence from the same period .
6 In keeping with its stance on regional neutrality the government has undertaken no studies of the regional impact of the Tunnel outside the South East despite the fears of more remote regions that their businesses will move to locations nearer the Tunnel or lose trade to southern and French competitors .
7 Syntax Error — QA Approve or Deny value in invalid format — Please specify G/D
8 It is the condition in which the attempts to avoid , cover up or evade responsibility for bad feeling — bad feeling generated by the impossible need to live up to inflexible standards — themselves create yet more bad feeling .
9 He did not use his position as a potential leader to mobilize black sentiment or cull support for black people ; he simply conformed to the mould of a black sportsman without showing much inclination for socially significant causes .
10 In those countries where activity is much more sparse a national approach is usually necessary in order to stimulate more work or provide models of good programmes etc .
11 Disabled drivers may be a relatively ‘ popular ’ minority group ; but what about policies to help the long-term unemployed , rehabilitate criminals or provide facilities for vagrant alcoholics , for example ?
12 Thus , for eurobond firms London has offered a pool of suitably trained labour ; in recent years , low levels of personal and corporate taxation ; a reasonable tax regime for financial instruments ( e.g. ability to issue bearer eurobonds that effectively pay interest gross and absence of turnover taxes — a particular handicap for the Swiss ) ; a supply of suitable premises ; the absence , since 1979 , of exchange controls ( although initially exchange controls were seen as an advantage , since eurobonds did not interfere with onshore sterling markets ) ; prudential and monetary regulations that have not historically tended significantly to raise the cost of funds , distort or prevent competition among domestic or international intermediaries ; English law ( widely accepted as a basis for international financial business ) ; the English language ; and political stability .
13 Oceanic controllers there , as well as in Honolulu and Auckland , watch the blips on their radars , or plot positions of unseen aircraft on immense plastic charts , as do French-speaking specialists hunched over their radar screens outside Papeete , in Tahiti .
14 However , because of their wide scope , when judging such clauses under s 3 of the UCTA , one has to treat them on the basis that they exclude or restrict liability for total failure to perform by reason of wilful default .
15 Mucosal abnormality was graded on a scale of 0 to 3 ( 0=normal mucosa with no friability ; 1= erythematous granular mucosa with pinpoint friability ; 2=coarse ulceration or pinpoint ulceration with spontaneous or induced friability ; 3=gross ulceration with spontaneous haemorrhage ) .
16 A band could sign a recording contract , or receive income from live performances or session fees ( the receipt of prize money from a talent contest is tax free and does not give rise to taxable income unless this occurs on a regular basis ) .
17 A special class of prose-speakers for whom verse-speakers descend to the lower level are clowns , who may sing lyrics or speak verse for satiric purposes , but who are almost invariably addressed in prose the moment they appear .
18 And which countries , one wonders , would be willing to finance the replacement of China 's abundant coal as the fuel for its power stations with less polluting natural gas , or underwrite double-glazing in Chinese homes as a major contribution to energy efficiency ?
19 They will be put under the strain of doing jobs for which they are unsuited and as a result will either leave after a short time , have the humiliation of being told they are unsuitable , or cause difficulties for other staff who have to rely on them or cooperate with them .
20 Using Wella 's High Hair Form & Finish Spray for extra hold , he pinned the hair and brushed it flat for a sophisticated Sixties style .
21 As credits proliferated , the EPA decided to establish a banking or brokerage network through local governments for selling the credits from one firm to another , with the result that Louisville , San Francisco and Seattle initiated banking programmes .
22 In coming to a conclusion on whether these proposals should be called in for his determination , my right hon. Friend will consider the proposals in terms of whether they raise issues of national or regional significance or give rise to substantial controversy .
23 Ideas include allowing them to issue shares up to 49% of capital , to turn non-voting certificuts d'investissement into full shares , to sell subsidiaries or create cross-holdings with non-French European companies .
24 And it states , that the requirement will be interpreted to preclud preclude locations which might positively encourage in migration or create pressures for additional land releases .
25 Painters ' dust sheets or drop cloths in clear colours and simple patterns such as checks and stripes
26 Ley lines — channels of energy or guide routes for prehistoric travellers — are said to converge at the Tor .
27 When the chairman of the inquiry into the King 's Cross Underground fire made his report he was strongly critical of London Underground 's management ( the two top men quit hours before the report was published ) : ‘ An inward looking approach fostered by the organisation 's narrow horizons undoubtedly led to a dangerous , blinkered self-sufficiency which included a general unwillingness to take advice or accept criticism from outside bodies . ’
28 Frequently , however , they also highlight aspects or draw attention to important details that might otherwise be missed .
29 You can hire an architect or get advice on digging drains .
30 Or sow drills of loose-leaved cutting lettuce , which are harvested at 2–3in high .
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