Example sentences of "[coord] [vb base] [verb] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Women who preferred who preferred traditional methods of sanitary protection either had to stand in long queues in order to buy just one or two towels you could n't even buy a packet , you could just buy one or two or make do with other methods .
2 This does n't mean that the seconds can wholly relax , or afford to indulge in sloppy technique .
3 The aims of the programme : to establish the location of foreign ethnographic material in museums , universities , research institutes and private collections ; to encourage and coordinate the recording of information about their collections by in-house museum staff ; to record collections or organise recording by other specialists in cases where no professional staff are available to undertake the work ; to establish a computerised database for the recorded information and to publish the findings of the survey .
4 Studies of pronuclear division in fertilized eggs are useful for assessing the primary level of chromosome abnormalities , some of which may act as zygotic lethals or become disguised in subsequent cleavages .
5 Furthermore , by wearing them , they do not become better people or become equipped with supra-normal powers .
6 Girls who suddenly find themselves with enormous breasts may collapse in on themselves in embarrassment or try to hide behind folded arms , and the result is an equally collapsed voice which often gives out altogether at crucial moments .
7 But how many other crimes are based on bigotry that is unspoken , or go accompanied by racial taunts that come out merely in the heat of the moment ?
8 Enjoy a traditional pub lunch or go shopping in familiar named stores in the busy Main Street .
9 They came to an agreement , and the man designated retained his authority by a leadership which did not offend his fellow lineage members : support could fall away , men could choose another elder to act for them , or fail to contribute to common funds when required .
10 When historians are working on major pieces of research , or wish to deal with other historians ' views on particular topics , they may contribute articles to historical journals as interim reports on their work in progress .
11 Over the past few decades , the world 's demand for tin has fallen dramatically as packagers have reduced the thickness of the metal in tinplate or have turned to other materials for their containers , aluminium for instance .
12 The remaining patients ( 23 ) have remained asymptomatic with respect to the biliary system or have died of unrelated causes at amedian of 13 months ( range 5–24 ) .
13 Stories told about Burton at this time are necessarily retrospective and tend to suffer from retrospective grandeur and glamour .
14 Ordinarily the referee and judge remain on opposite sides of the contestants but sometimes , for example when the latter are circling each other , both end up on the same side .
15 Just that the latter will have to lower their expectations and make do with imperfect versions of the former .
16 Certainly much touching of the penises , penile erection , and display occur between young male geladas and the behaviour is commonly used in greeting behaviour .
17 We would welcome a system of licensing which allowed private clubs to apply for all-night music and dance licensing in suitable venues .
18 They believe he 's carried out several sex attacks in one town , and want to talk to other victims who may have been too scared to come forward .
19 While many are unable to tolerate a close , demanding , intimate relationship they nevertheless crave friendships and want to engage in normal social activities such as eating out and chatting over a drink in a club or pub .
20 More generally , if living things did n't work actively to prevent it , they would eventually merge into their surroundings , and cease to exist as autonomous beings .
21 They will lease the first team pitch and clubhouse back from the buyers next season and expect to move to new premises in 1993 .
22 The lift that lemon grass , ginger , turmeric , coriander , chilli , star anise , cloves and cardamom give to Indian and Chinese food is out of all proportion to the quantities in which they are used .
23 Their heavyweight glass-fibre base is impregnated and coated with bitumen , surfaced with natural mineral coloured granules , and cut to look like traditional slates .
24 impersonal nature : employees work full time within the impersonal rules and regulations and act according to formal , impersonal procedures ;
25 Risk selection by large insurers and cost shifting by federal and state agencies leave lower and middle income families paying a larger share of the bill .
26 His role as peacemaker came about while working as an electricity consultant and economist developing ten year energy projects to boost Third World economies and stop fighting between neighbouring countries .
27 We must work towards a wider range of ‘ acceptable ’ lesbian and gay images , and stop colluding with restrictive definitions .
28 So one will prescribe spiritual disciplines and fastings perhaps as number one exercise , and neglect to deal with hidden anger within him .
29 Child abuse and neglect continue despite early , thoughtful , and often costly intervention .
30 Firms in those countries become the world leaders and begin to export as rising incomes spur demand elsewhere .
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