Example sentences of "[coord] [vb base] [adv] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 This involves getting the aircraft into an attitude with the tail-wheel or skid just off the ground .
2 Flower-fringed lakeside boulevards , places to stroll in the lake air , or sit quietly on a sunlit Bodensee afternoon , plentiful water sports , all proclaim modern resorts ; half-timbered houses proclaim the past .
3 Vector graphics , on the other hand , are created by defining the start and end points of a line or curve together with the necessary angle and weight or thickness of the line .
4 Japanese security experts say the survivors are demoralised , middle-aged revolutionaries without strong support or influence either in the Middle East or Japan .
5 There have been frequent demands for a single system and investigations of its possibility ; for after the introduction and spread of comprehensive schools it was clearly both inconvenient and divisive that pupils within the same school should be classified either as fit to take the GCE or fit only for the CSE .
6 You may , of course , add to your letter later in writing or say more about the case at the Appeal Committee hearing .
7 Every moment of Rainbow 's existence during my time at the Fair has been tracked , recorded , docketed and programmed for easy-edit , so I am able to wipe , play-back , freeze-frame or skim fast over the boring bits .
8 With his own property , it was perhaps easier too for a baron to take risks or sail close to the wind .
9 In Kingshams Field , the bank was apparently partly levelled or cut away by the mid third century at least , prior to the construction of a stone building with a courtyard to the south .
10 If you start to choke on something , put your fist into the soft spot under the middle of the ribcage and keeping ‘ punching ’ yourself , or bend forwards over the back of a chair and bounce your abdomen off it .
11 Even if an agreed definition can be arrived at and some core features identified , it need not be the case that all forms of creative expression demand precisely the same set of mental operations or depend equally upon the same intellectual qualities .
12 we 're gon na have to have a manual involvement or override there by the project coordinator to , to ,
13 She could have refused to write that note to her parents or walk obediently to the car and climb into the boot .
14 Courtship occurs throughout the breeding season , as individuals pair before laying for breeding in the same year , or pair later in the season for breeding in the following year .
15 Penelope wished now that she had worn a dress or suit instead of the elegant tartan trews , but they had seemed the only way to make Rupert Stonebird notice her .
16 or stand together in a rising mist
17 Even the closer links with local farmers can not compensate for this , since few farmers and farm workers share their leisure activities or meet socially off the farm .
18 Although they were well placed for chalk , all other commodities had to be carried by rail or barge up-river to the works .
19 Whatever you do , make sure you avoid that head or fist — just moving your body or face slightly to the side will often be enough , providing you do n't pull against their grip .
20 as for trade , it will be encouraged by it every way ; for carriage of all kind of heavy goods will be much easier , the waggoners will either perform in less time , or draw heavier loads , or the same load with fewer horses ; the pack-horses will carry heavier burthens , or travel further in a day … all which will tend to lessen the rate of carriage , and so bring goods cheaper to market .
21 Volcanic bombs become partially streamlined and rounded as they are thrown through the air or pass rapidly through the magma in the neck of a volcano when they are violently erupted .
22 On 14 October Coleridge wrote abstractedly to John Thelwall that , ‘ I should much wish , like the Indian Vishna , to float about along an infinite ocean cradled in the flower of the Lotos , & wake once in a million years for a few minutes — just to know that I was going to sleep a million years more . ’
23 And before those following could rein in and look for cover , or dismount and string their bows , or drive headlong into the trees from which their death was launched , the second volley followed the first .
24 There is one person responsible for ensuring that the individual does not ‘ slip through the net ’ or drift away from the service , a factor which is particularly important in mental health services .
25 And it 's that moment which , when we trace the expansion backwards , will have occurred between about fifteen and eighteen billion years ago , but we ca n't say what , if anything , may have happened before that , whether the universe bounced out into another state of expansion , so we have a sort of a cut off in our ability to retrodict , or extrapolate backwards into the past .
26 Dexter sat back in his armchair , unsure whether to laugh outright or smile knowingly at the businessman 's practical joke .
27 For example the sport of crown green bowling , which was very little known outside of the north of England , has been shown to a wider public ; the greens are often oddly bereft of spectators , and the northern accents of the players are plainly audible as they urge on their woods or confer solemnly as a pair over the last bowl of an important ‘ end ’ .
28 She could be a nuisance : she would remind his father that his exams or a dental appointment were due , or comment adversely on the state of his room .
29 At other times I may be delighted to see them , for if the writing is not going well the writer welcomes any excuse to lay down his pen or turn away from the typewriter .
30 ‘ So off I went , and when I got to the Severn Bridge , I thought to myself , ‘ I can go straight on and take him to Potter 's and get about four hundred quid carcase value , or turn right for the University and probably have nothing …
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