Example sentences of "[coord] [vb base] [to-vb] [conj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 This is not to say that the regulating authorities should intrude into the investigation process or seek to influence or to duplicate it .
2 Well , can I suggest that we look at Simon 's document and go through it and respond that we take the three proposals that Jenny has tabled , review and agree or decide to adjust and ask Stella and Rita to prepare for the next meeting documents then as assignments ?
3 The passage continued narrow , clearly cut and low-roofed , a safe and secret way out of the castle by which the garrison could retreat towards Shrewsbury , if too hard pressed , and by which it could receive stores and reinforcements in time of siege , or emerge to raid and counterattack by night .
4 When it is apparent that external circumstances have changed , you have to decide whether to cry chicken and run too early , or continue to reinforce and spend time , money and ever increasing numbers of your best people , who are invariably sucked into the most difficult areas of the battle , trying to fight a war which you can not win .
5 Contradictions and dilemmas exist in the lives of every individual , but they become a problem only when we deny their existence , or fail to recognize and come to terms with them in our daily lives .
6 Zuwaya said they should not watch television together ; sons should not smoke in their father 's presence , nor try to wheedle or coax money from them ; and mostly they did not do those things .
7 Insects that fly in at the sides encounter a vertical baffle of netting that divides the trap along its axis , and tend to fly or clamber to the highest point of the baffle where the only way out is into a collecting jar .
8 And obviously we are troubled at the experience in America on cocaine and want to try and make sure that we do n't get that kind of problem in the U K.
9 I fear , at times , that , surrounded by so much violence , it might become commonplace to me and cease to shock and move as it should .
10 Instead you pick the most likely payoff and test to see if altering it changes the pattern of behaviour .
11 Both Ignatius of Loyola ( 1491–1556 ) , the founder of the Jesuits , and Teresa of Avila ( 1515-.82 ) , the radical reformer of the Carmelites , used imagery of exploration and honour to inspire and explain their own radical innovations .
12 There is much of the poetry of Shelley and of Spenser , for example , written since they knew a woman , which has no mention of woman , and yet is full of love and fit to awaken and to satisfy love … .
13 He 'd been brought up on a farm and had a way with horses , and his first job when he left school was working for a brewery breaking in the big black cobs they brought over wild from Ireland and put to use as cart-horses dragging the great heavy drays full of ale .
14 Only a few , largely of the younger members , consider that at least for the first few years after an election , the House as a whole should keep a wary eye on the government and seek to support or influence its policy irrespective of the line taken by the official Opposition .
15 Yet mothers and fathers are often desperately fearful of such activity and hasten to forbid or punish it ; I have known magistrates — and even one child psychiatrist who viewed it as seriously offensive .
16 So what the philosopher has to do is to look at these , all these various factors and begin to try and make people conscious of the inadequacies of the way in which they live , and of the new possibilities which are open to them , if they will only project their minds outside the established bounds .
17 But if the children some under the care of the relief agencies , little ones , who were emaciated , hollow-eyed , and listless , become after about a fortnight 's feeding quite plump again and begin to laugh and sing .
18 The odd crisp packet , beer can or carrier bag may not seem to make a lot of difference , but they soon add up and begin to poison and suffocate pond and wildlife , as well as encouraging the spread of disease .
19 Exercising in front of a mirror encourages us to take a real look at our bodies and get to know and control them better .
20 It is both wasteful and irresponsible to set experiments in motion and omit to record and analyse what happens .
21 Urging firms to take up the challenge of the new markets to safeguard their future , he added : ‘ It is the innovative and proactive oil and gas service companies of Scotland with the vision and drive to explore and capitalise on international markets who will succeed and grow in the next century . ’
22 Bring to the boil and allow to simmer until cooked , then add the crème de cassis to taste .
23 I look out across the twinkling expanse of ocean , and decide to go and see Teddy .
24 If we can laugh out loud about getting old , break the silence that surrounds it instead of suffering quietly , then we are beginning to escape from a fear society wants us to have — so we will buy uplift bras , expensive face creams and continue to fear and envy younger women .
25 The crucial repercussions of the company existing in its own right are that it can hold property , raise money on the security of its property , sue and be sued in its own name , and continue to exist and do business despite changes in membership or its directors .
26 My men , whom I had instructed to keep close together and sing from the time they left the camp until they joined me on the forest road , were not due for an hour and a half , and during this time it was more than likely that the tigress would break cover and try to stalk or rush me .
27 Now close your eyes and try to visualize that object in your mind , seeing it in precisely the same detail as before .
28 and go to bank and see what it would cost you for .
29 I would pick up the phone and phone my solicitor and ask to come and see him and get his advice .
30 ( c ) To apply for , register , purchase , or by other means acquire and protect , prolong and renew , whether in the United Kingdom or elsewhere any patents , patent rights , brevets d'invention , licences , secret processes , trade marks , designs , protections and concessions and to disclaim , alter , modify , use and turn to account and to manufacture under or grant licences or privileges in respect of the same , and to expend money in experimenting upon , testing and improving any patents , inventions or rights which the Company may acquire or propose to acquire .
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