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1 The play has been presented down the years by impresario Sir Peter Saunders , who has seen all or some of it nearly 500 times .
2 And in the same year the First Booke of Songes or Ayres of foure partes of the greatest of all English lutenists , John Dowland ( 1563–1626 ) , was printed ‘ with Tableture for the Lute : So made that all the parts together , or either of them severally may be song to the Lute , Orpherian [ a species of cittern , tuned like a lute ] or Viol de Gambo ’ , a confused description which conceals the condition that the highest part must be sung .
3 What on earth would people think if Miriam started talking of a gentleman 's natural functions in front of the wedding guests when she and Fleury got married ; in some ways the prospect of such a solecism seemed more terrible to Louise than the possibility of one or both of them not surviving the siege .
4 It could be Vinnie or the other guy or both of them together .
5 The next possibility is that this new once-a-week frequency is the level at which one or both of you unconsciously feels happiest with sex .
6 The exceptional quality of the participants certainly enabled the curriculum workers ( or most of them anyway ) to adapt to their environment as programmes developed — but their heredity kept showing through .
7 We were both in the travel business and neither of us much enjoyed working for someone else .
8 Making overtures towards another who mirrored our own disquieting and long-buried Chinese identity was both a fearful and exciting prospect , and neither of us quite got up the nerve to take the initiative .
9 He had had mock fights enough , and some of them pretty dirty .
10 According to different versions , Count Helldorf , Police President of Berlin and later implicated in the July plot of 1944 against Hitler , Julius Streicher , Alfred Rosenberg , Adolf Wagner , and the ‘ blood and soil ’ guru of Nazi agricultural policy Walther Darré , had been arrested for complicity in Hess 's ‘ treason ’ , and some of them already shot .
11 ‘ You can even cheek your teachers and some of them just do n't do anything , you know .
12 And some of them just hit return .
13 Yeah well I was talking , I was talking to a friend and they said that , you know , there 's some homophobic attacks and some of them just happen to occur because people are walking in a gay area
14 In her interesting and vivid description of the first wave Marjorie Cosens quoted numerous testimonies by teachers to this effect , and some of them even wrote to the Board of Education .
15 Many other animals that harbour secret chemical defences also show themselves fearlessly to the world and some of them also perform special displays that indicate their readiness to engage in a chemical encounter .
16 But in many parts of the world , and some of them not very far away from here , upheavals and agonies are going on , not unlike some of those experienced within the lifetime of the subject of tonight 's lecture .
17 Some of those scholars , moreover , were Englishmen and some of them certainly served as proctors and representatives of the Plantagenets at Paris .
18 If your studies have not taken you to the point where you can answer all the questions , answer those that you can and some of them twice .
19 Questions of this switched on and some of them how to do .
20 The aims which I put up there , I wo n't go through each one , I think are hopefully fairly self explanatory , the , some of those are going well and some of them still need a hard push , a hard push from us and a hard push from the clubs and the teaching establishments .
21 From the twentieth century point of view it can be appreciated that naturally occurring compounds contain what , from the point of view of theoretical chemistry , is an arbitrary and theoretically uninteresting mixture of isotopes so that , as F. Soddy remarked , the painstaking endeavour of the nineteenth century chemists ‘ appears as of as little interest and significance as the determination of the average weight of a collection of bottles , some of them full and some of them more or less empty ’ .
22 These brochs ( a word derived from the Old Norse borg — a citadel — later transmuted into borough ) nearly all followed one basic pattern : that of a large circular dwelling with drystone walls up to 15 feet thick , and some of them as much as 50 feet high .
23 It was the business of the bishop to preach peace — and some of them actually did so ; yet a growing spirit of political independence , sometimes accompanying a furious anticlerical urge , limited the power of the bishop once the city had felt and tested its freedom .
24 And some of them actually cha make sure that you have to keep your house and contents insured through the society , which again can be more expensive .
25 And when we were getting people from outside coming there and some of them quite militant they were going to sit and lay across the road .
26 About three quarters of asylum claimants are already in the country , many of them legitimately as students or visitors and some of them illegitimately , as they have entered the country illegally .
27 Much has been written of Dick Corden this season , most of it unkind and some of it here .
28 He had big banks of lights and speakers on either side of his console with some lower-level relays here in the ballroom ; he 'd been running some smoke and dry ice earlier , and some of it still hung in the air and gave the lighted area beyond the doorways the effect of some offworld film set .
29 There were a lot a lot involved there er and some of you actually found that that there was quite a lot that you really had to almost worry about and think about and and er yesterday for the first time of doing it with this this new method it does take quite a bit of thinking about and as we agreed practice is is what 's what 's important ..
30 When people ask us a question some of us always tell the truth and some of us always tell the opposite .
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