Example sentences of "[coord] [det] would [vb infin] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He was however er reasonably clear as to the speed at which local authorities tend to deal with these matters , he said that it always takes a long time and getting any answer out of the local authority might well take somewhere between six months and up to two years , he thought that perhaps eighteen months was a reasonable guess before he would actually manage to get somebody if Paul were to move as er , it maybe well occur to here or a different local authority then of course the application would just go back to square one and that would lead to more delay .
2 And that would go against the grain , would n't it … to do anything without working out the odds first ? ’
3 M My Lords , first of all the there are a number of reports out now very erm good reports that do encourage primary schools to look and exploit the specialisms of the teachers on their staff and that would cover of course people who have a specialism in teaching this subject and it is also true , sadly in the case of some schools who wo n't allow er people who are specialists in the subject and can speak about it with authority for example er local vicars and priests and , and faith healers who can come in help in a school , but where those schools do ex exploit the expertise in the community , the school is enriched by that .
4 You got half an hour plus ten minutes relief for your refreshments and that would happen at ten in the morning and you 'd been there since seven .
5 Only in this way would they be able to talk freely about what their experiences had been , and that would happen in a safe situation for them .
6 We 're on the same pitch then , so we give them a game and that would apply in the Premier League . ’
7 and that would look after children for ever
8 And that would put into that policy the flexibility that we have been given orally today and which Selby and myself and I think Richmondshire I 'm not sure , were were erm seeking for a local plan level determination .
9 and that would work around the school holidays
10 And , and that would derive from cases where landlord exploitation was particularly severe and therefore peasants were saying no rent reduction , interest rate reduction is not enough , we want to go further than that now .
11 I remember in 1990 attending the same conference as Councillors and Councillor , hearing from , the principle civil servant in charge of the Act , that the Government had not defined need and that would emerge through decisions made in Court .
12 By contrast , in the United States ( and some would argue in Britain ) , greater emphasis has been placed upon the attainment of shorter-term economic gains for their own members , although broader considerations of social justice and ‘ movement ’ are by no means absent .
13 He said the atmosphere at each gathering had been one of calm , loving concern , and this would continue for as long as it took to get the children home .
14 The frets here seem as soft as those on the Villain , and this would appear to be an area which the company will have to address , as it does them a disservice ; do they know how long poor quality bass frets last ?
15 Although Stephen 's definition of rape required fear of immediate bodily harm and this would appear to be the position in Scotland , there is no modern English authority to this effect .
16 Under the electoral system of 1918 , the Unionists had a minimum vote of at least 38 per cent of the electorate , and this would bring at least 250 seats in a parliament of 615 ; in a political world of three parties this almost guaranteed that no other party would govern alone and that the Unionists would usually have a majority .
17 Otherwise too much power would be concentrated in the hands of one organ and this would lead to tyranny .
18 The Bioplan proposal would ‘ materially increase the demand for car parking at the Memorial hospital site and this would lead to further substantial on-street parking at Hollyhurst Road , which would be detrimental to highway safety ’ , said the inspector 's report to the environment secretary .
19 Children were constrained in the kinds of response possible and so appeared to treat less as more ; the younger children probably relied on a non-linguistic strategy of choosing the greater of two amounts , and this would account for responses to both more ( apparently correct ) and less ( apparently wrong ) when combined with partial or even no lexical knowledge ; and lastly , children were not given instructions with both more and less on the same occasion .
20 Another is that its method of valuation was too complex and this would detract from its widespread adoption .
21 First , the patient 's failure to take care of himself in the knowledge that death will result sooner rather than otherwise — and this would apply to the aged as well as to the terminally ill — may be treated as suicide , despite what has been said .
22 This may be a case of inadequate actualization , and this would call for a change of technique .
23 Nobody can long sustain the argument that all fat per se is bad , and few would argue at great length that a diet containing small amounts of saturated fat ( which butter decidedly is ) is unacceptable .
24 However , there are 2 prime areas for consideration and these would centre on the degree of recklessness involved in the act ( similar to reasonable care on other contracts ) and the foreseeability of the consequence of the act .
25 Thus they decided that : the number of governors on the school 's policy-making group , the management board , should be increased by three ; the right of governors to attend the meetings of all other groups in the school 's internal consultative structure would be formalised ; the governors would continue to establish task groups and working parties of their own and these would continue to be open to all teachers .
26 If we were to put you on a slimming diet providing you with 1,500 calories a day , you would be 500 calories short of your requirement and these would have to be taken from your body fat .
27 A warning would be given , up stumps and all would wait for it to pass then on with the game .
28 We both had a point but neither would concede to the other .
29 Seventh , the justices had no doubts as to the care the grandparents could give the children but that would result in the children being separated and the justices felt very strongly that that should not happen .
30 But that would reduce with A-T as it complicates the treatment .
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