Example sentences of "[coord] [det] have [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Apprenticeship and skilled employment committees of one sort or another had existed in London since the 1860s and 1870s when the Jewish Board of Guardians decided to organize apprenticeship schemes for their own young workers .
2 Although the comprador class in one form or another has existed for centuries , the transnational capitalist class is a relatively new phenomenon .
3 The leaders had their work cut out keeping the group together , and one or both had to remain at the back to motivate the slower ones — the most effective method seemed to be carrying their kit , though this tended to be a last resort .
4 The Chair is obviously referring to the fact recently in the courts , there was consideration of the closure of old persons ' homes , and you know that you are under a legal requirement to consult in respect of those otherwise any decision , to close without consultation can held to be invalid , and that has impinged on some authorities who were going down that route , so there is a duty there .
5 This research influences the way volunteers work with victims but it is also passed on by Victim Support to other organisations that might find it useful : it provides an input into every police training course in Britain , and that has led to a potential new area of work .
6 Clearly it is the fate of the ark that has provoked the name Ichabod , and that has led to her death , just as it killed her father-in-law .
7 The different police forces share their information and that has led to some proposed gatherings being stopped .
8 He 's had difficulty coping with the trial , he 's been very distressed by it and that has led to him breaking down completely .
9 As a result , 900,000 more patients were treated last year than in 1979 , and that has resulted in in-patient waiting lists being 21 per cent .
10 And that has resulted in the restriction of the annulus width of the greenbelt .
11 Twelve months ago in my last Christmas contribution I anticipated a difficult 1991 and that has proved to be the case .
12 Since 1970 the amount of noise allowed from cars has been cut from 82 decibels to 77 , and that has to drop to 74 by 1995 under new European Commission proposals .
13 Then I saw the top tier of the cake and that has got to be the er piece , piece de resistance I think as the French say and I know that some very exciting ideas are coming out of the South East region .
14 Children leaving home because they 've been abused physically or sexually erm or verbally erm the breakdown in the quality of family life has also got something to do with all this business and that has got to be addressed as well , and money wo n't change that .
15 And that has to come from the people involved in the game at the top , those who shape the future and direction of the sport .
16 We have about a ninety , ninety five percent , I think , qualified staff , and that has improved over the last eight years from
17 I think that 's that absolutely horrific and that has come from one of the practice partners and not the actual himself .
18 Peter 's got one of the best short games around and that 's come through hours of practice .
19 It would seem that we now have four hundred thousand pounds available that was n't apparent before , and that 's come from the Department of the Environment , and that is enough for me to say well , we 've got something out of it , it was n't a fiasco or a waste of time and now I can rejoin the Conservative group with some degree of credibility .
20 It 's a spanner in the works , and that 's got to be good news . ’
21 The Tory government and their legislation is our enemy and that 's got to be attacked .
22 concrete and that 's got to be one mix each time is n't it ?
23 On three separate occasions before the war he had taken part in manoeuvres dedicated to the capture of Verdun , and each had ended with the conclusion that the attack would have to be made simultaneously on both banks to obviate the danger of flanking fire .
24 If the lunar curves in Figure 6.9 can roughly be applied to Mercury then crater erasure took place before about 4000 Ma ago , and most of the present craters , which may also have given rise to the smooth plains , were in place by about 3000 Ma ago , and little has happened on the Mercurian surface since except for the effects of tidal slow-down and interior shrinkage .
25 The most determined shoppers beat the rush by arriving at shops before the doors opened and some had waited for days to get what they wanted .
26 Although most residents were being relocated in any of the 34 remaining council homes for the elderly , some had gone to private homes and some had gone to other counties to be closer to relatives .
27 Although most residents were being relocated in any of the 34 remaining council homes for the elderly , some had gone to private homes and some had gone to other counties to be closer to relatives .
28 Most reviews have identified administrative deficiencies — one scrutiny found it cost 90 to administer 100 of woodland grant — and some have led to major changes ( such as the establishment of a non-Defence central purchasing unit : see Government Purchasing : A Review of Government Contract and Procurement Procedures , 1984 ) .
29 More than 12,000 people have been treated in America and elsewhere and some have complained of glare , especially from car headlights when driving at night .
30 Third World countries often confront this , and some have opted for ‘ high technology ’ ( which may be badly delivered ) at the cost of ordinary treatment .
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