Example sentences of "[coord] [det] [conj] it [vb -s] " in BNC.

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1 Our role is to propose a prudent council tax and that is what we 've done and at the end of the day I agree , the figures are juggled one way or another but it does show a net saving of one point three million and however you look at it Mr Mayor I 'm sure the leader of the council , if he adopted these proposals , could then find somewhere a sum for a stress control officer .
2 This , however , can not be correct since section 36A , inserted by the 1989 Act , provides that a company need not have a common seal and that whether it has or not ‘ a document signed by a director and the secretary of the company or by two directors and expressed ( in whatever form of words ) to be executed by the company has the same effect as if executed under the common seal of the company . ’
3 The manager can say this and that and it looks good on paper and there may be great reasoning behind it .
4 For some reason , a pulse is given as the wire enters and another as it leaves !
5 Golf is not privileged and much as it likes to think of itself as such , Augusta is not a cathedral .
6 Empiricism , as a theory of how we acquire concepts , requires there to be something which is both a ‘ state of consciousness ’ and such that it does not have logical conditions , that is , is unlike a would-be belief .
7 The herbicide Agent Orange and all that it represents , from carpet bombing of rainforests to bulldozing them down and removing their topsoil , managed to demolish a fifth of Vietnam 's tree cover and to replace it , in great stretches , with a moonscape of bomb craters .
8 One planning officer commented that ‘ probably no planning circular and all that it implies has ever been so popular with the public .
9 Milner in 1907 was writing : ‘ there can be no adequate prosperity for the forty or fifty million people in these islands without the Empire and all that it provides ’ .
10 But acting and all that it means is very much a doing thing , so the emphasis is always on practical work .
11 And all that it contains
12 I am still 100 per cent behind Credit Management and all that it stands for .
13 Does he realise that what the country now needs from him is hope , but all that it gets is complacency ; that what the country needs from him is leadership , but all that it gets from him is excuses ; that what the country now needs is a Government who will act , but what it has is a Government paralysed by the election who dodge the issues , duck the realities and do nothing ?
14 Does he realise that what the country now needs from him is hope , but all that it gets is complacency ; that what the country needs from him is leadership , but all that it gets from him is excuses ; that what the country now needs is a Government who will act , but what it has is a Government paralysed by the election who dodge the issues , duck the realities and do nothing ?
15 The other , instinctively realizing the danger , swiftly retreats in a reflex movement of social and theological withdrawal , but all that it does from then on is marked by a deepening social and intellectual insecurity .
16 Sometimes in the Cauldhame Arms I stand up at the urinal , but most if it ends up running down my hands or legs .
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