Example sentences of "[coord] [vb pp] for [adj] year " in BNC.

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1 It comes from critics who imagine themselves penning formidable papers which , like those of Gregor Mendel , are hidden away or ignored for many years — and do not fare too well , therefore , in ISI 's listings .
2 Educated , like Lilian Lawson , at Donaldson 's School and the Mary Hare Grammar School , Irene qualified as a teacher and taught for some years at the Northern Counties School for the Deaf in Newcastle-upon-Tyne before joining the staff of the BDA in 1981 .
3 A screening programme for high blood pressure and related risks , begun in 1968 and sustained for 21 years in a defined community , gave us an opportunity to study long term management of high blood pressure in young adults in a social context , with data collected prospectively on originally unsuspected associations .
4 They attended art college together and co-habited for fifteen years .
5 After the game it will be taken out and saved for next year in a natural setting . ’
6 The horn was taken home to Laigh Corton where it was hollowed out and used for many years as a bolting or drenching tube for giving medicine to animals .
7 The house was built at the turn of the century as a country home and used for many years as a shooting lodge .
8 He entered Edinburgh University in 1719 and studied for three years , though without taking a degree .
9 One of the prominent candidates and activists at the Hunan Teachers ' College was eventually arrested and sent for three years to a ‘ re-education through labour ’ camp .
10 Commenting on her selection , Sue Baring said : ‘ I 'm delighted to have been chosen to stand in a part of the country that I have known and loved for many years .
11 IRA man Philip Manning ( 22 ) of Springfield Crescent , also Belfast , denied the charge but was found guilty and jailed for 14 years .
12 His co-accused , Denis Smyth , 23 , of Glendinning Road , Knightswood , was found guilty of an unconnected housebreaking and jailed for one year .
13 He was arrested and jailed for two years in 1977 .
14 Tunc was prosecuted and jailed for two years , but he testified that Mr Koc knowingly sold his kidney .
15 Mr Tunc Kuntar was prosecuted and jailed for two years , but he testified that Mr Koc knowingly sold his kidney .
16 He was eventually arrested and jailed for six years in 1983 .
17 Tell the King that you are concerned about the case of Mohamed Srifi , currently in Kenitra Central Prison , Casablanca , who was arrested in 1974 , tortured , brought to trial in 1977 and jailed for 30 years after a blatantly unfair trial .
18 It was another year before Camerini was caught and jailed for 21 years .
19 Subscribers can also save themselves £275 if they pay up early : they will have their BBC selector or decoder installed and maintained for one year at the site of their choice for free .
20 The USSR and its East European allies constituted the Warsaw Treaty Organisation , founded in 1955 and extended for twenty years in 1985 ; a somewhat larger group of states , including Cuba , Mongolia and Vietnam , were members of the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance ( CMEA or Comecon ) .
21 The company was set up in 1970 to sell Courtelle acrylic fibre made in Calais , staffed mostly by French people and managed for many years by a Frenchman , .
22 JOHAN TUMBA , the Swedish professional found guilty of cheating and banned for 10 years in January , had the sentence reduced to three years on appeal yesterday .
23 Antonen , 54 , of Kidlington , Oxon , admitted drink-driving and was ordered to do 180 hours ' community service and banned for three years .
24 The tribunal concluded that he should be dismissed and banned for three years from public office , forfeiting his seat in parliament .
25 John Ferguson , 43 , of Sandbanks Drive , Hartlepool was fined £350 and banned for three years for his second offence of drink driving .
26 Burma ( Myanmar ) : Daw Cho Cho Kyaw Nyein , arrested in 1991 , and imprisoned for seven years — no change .
27 The ninth Earl , Henry Percy , was fined £30,000 and imprisoned for 15 years in the Tower of London for omitting to administer the Oath of Supremacy to Thomas Percy of Beverley .
28 There 's a simple , cost-effective alternative that 's freely available and guaranteed for 50 years .
29 Not a big problem , but enough of one to have tried and failed for several years at everything from Weightwatchers to F-Plan .
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