Example sentences of "[coord] [vb pp] [prep] the [n mass] " in BNC.

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1 Proposals for domestic production of iron and steel , petrochemicals , machine-tools and the like are typically discouraged or delayed by the mnc 's in preference for quick profit-yielding manufacturing of semi-luxury consumer goods like lace , car assembly , beer , carpets , and so on .
2 The press have played a major part in popularizing spectator sport and sustaining interest in it , but it is misleading to think of professional football , for example , as having been created or manufactured by the media .
3 Hooliganism is not one but several overlapping phenomena — traditional misrule , new forms of territorial aggression , youth styles both invented or reflected in the media .
4 But would it not be much more environmentally friendly to have a bridleway instead of yet another new road which in my opinion is not wanted or needed by the people of Darlington .
5 For Satarov there is a need to pass on the ‘ knowledge about or based on the data ’ ( ibid . ) .
6 Naturally , the building of the huge Palace of the People could not be hidden from public view , but the actual details its plans or internal designs were never discussed or published in the media .
7 For the nursery class , the researcher studied and commented on the data and then discussed what emerged with the staff .
8 The Builder pointed out that although Scott ‘ has sought not the style of any particular country , but Gothic in abstract , and gathered from the works of all countries ’ , perhaps because of the numerous secular mediaeval buildings in Italy , the character of his design ‘ is more Italian , or at least Continental than it is English ’ .
9 If , in reliance on the transfer , the building society accepted the legal charge executed by the Hammonds and parted with the £15,000 , an estoppel by representation would , as it seems to me , bar Mr. Steed from denying that the transaction completed by the transfer was a sale .
10 It came up and spilt by the fish tank .
11 It is fringed by sandy beaches and coconut groves , and dominated by the 3,500ft Mount Nevis .
12 Originally , in early Republican Rome , imperium meant that power exercised over individuals by officers of the state and that power was specific in its limits and granted by the people .
13 When darkness fell , the men drove off up the escarpment and made for the rendezvous , spreading themselves out as widely as possible .
14 A method for transforming the field intensity anomalies , which are scalar quantities , into estimates of the vector field anomalies has been developed and applied to the data for Bathgate .
15 The surviving airframe was ‘ found ’ lying in skeletal form in a quarry at Kalafrana and presented to the people of Malta by AVM Keith Park on September , 1943 .
16 It began among the casuals and spread rapidly to the inmates and staff , so that by mid-February 22 cases had been diagnosed and transferred to the smallpox hospital .
17 It was held in the chapel of the home on a Sunday morning and attended by the staff , a couple of the older children , several unwed mothers and Todd 's mother .
18 It is Morrissey himself who is being warped , twisted and cheated by the media .
19 The construction of the Gilmerton Bypass was undertaken by Miller Construction Ltd under the terms of a contract valued at £11.6 million and supervised by the staff of the Department of Highways with the Director of Highways being the Engineer for the Works .
20 and bitten off the butchers ' heads
21 Letters from satisfied customers should also be kept and used in the sales presentation in order to build confidence .
22 In fact , Black South African writers are committed in trying to rewrite our history , our true history , because it has been so much misrepresented and twisted , and used against the people themselves .
23 At this time the Temple resembled a huge slaughterhouse as thousands of lambs were sacrificed and handed to the people for the celebration of the Passover meal that night .
24 About a third of these scripts are , in turn , derived from BBC Horizon programmes which are bought or co-produced by Nova and shown in the series .
25 In short , Winckelmann epitomizes an intimate relationship between classical scholarship on the one hand and living culture and thought on the other.And in this he was renewing a tradition which had once existed ( albeit primarily outside Germany ) : the Renaissance tradition , which had weakened during the intervening centuries , and which was to lapse again almost beyond recall within the hundred years after his death .
26 Sukarno proclaimed a state of emergency and called on the people to choose between himself and Musso : ‘ My beloved people , in the name of the struggle for Indonesian independence I appeal to you . ’
27 In a veiled attack on the military , Gnininvi warned against further intervention in the country 's move to multiparty democracy and called on the people to thwart " anti-democratic forces " .
28 Every idol , he explained , must be constructed according to strict specifications as outlined in the Shipa Shastra , and based on the Tala system which is the measurement of the palm of the hand from the tip of the middle finger to the wrist .
29 In the accounts system the cash and discount received from credit card sales would be debited in the cash book and credited to the sales account .
30 ‘ If the pound note and the lira were thrown out of the window tomorrow and replaced by the ECU that would be fantastic . ’
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