Example sentences of "[coord] [vb pp] [prep] [noun prp] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Outside the realm of youth culture , however , there are words of Caribbean origin which may be " anglicised " or adapted to LE phonological patterns by black speakers when using LE .
2 Each of the items , specially written for the project or adapted from APU practical tasks were written on to separate sheets and put in position along with pupil answer sheets and the apparatus for the task .
3 Your other main terms and conditions are set out in the Scheme of Salaries and Conditions of Service agreed by the National Joint Council for Local Authorities Administrative , Professional , Technical and Clerical Services ( Scottish Councils ) as adopted and amended by Lothian Regional Council .
4 Your other main terms and conditions are set out in the Scheme of Salaries and Conditions of Service agreed by the National Joint Council for Local Authorities Administrative , Professional , Technical and Clerical Services ( Scottish Councils ) as adopted and amended by Lothian Regional Council .
5 On the eve of the papal visit the Vatican newspaper l'Osservatore Romano accused oil companies of encouraging separatists in Angola 's oil-endowed enclave of Cabinda , contiguous with Zaïre and Congo and separated from Angola proper .
6 It 's this version which is now recognised as the rarest Dylan record in the world and valued in Neal Umpred 's Goldmine Price Guide To Collectible Record Albums as being worth $10,000 , though a bid of over $12,000 eventually secured a deal .
7 Polypeptides in affinity-purified DRTF1/E2F ( about 5μg from about 5x10 10 F9 EC cells ) were separated by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and stained with Coomassie blue ( track 2 ) ; track 1 shows M r standards .
8 Proteins were resolved by SDS-10% polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis ( PAGE ) and stained with Coomassie brilliant blue .
9 Proteins were separated by 10% SDS-PAGE and stained with Coomassie brilliant blue ( A ) or electroblotted onto Immobilon-P membrane and reacted with rabbit antiserum raised to purified BTV-10 particles .
10 During the Second World War , the depot was requisitioned and used by R.A.F. Technical Training Command , the cars being dispersed to other depots or broken up .
11 He is certainly very very fast and Clubcall said that he was 27 and bought by Sheff Utd for 500,000 from Palace .
12 The bus programme is administered and staffed by Trent International Centre for School Technology
13 I myself was greatly encouraged and inspired by Eric Milner-White , Dean of York and before that Dean of King 's College , Cambridge .
14 Hair was coloured with Clynol 's Viton S Borneo Colour Bath and styled with Corregin Active Blow and Hold
15 Another strand is contributed by triple jumper Keith Hunter , born in Marston Green , West Midlands , of Jamaican parents , and schooled at Perry Common , Birmingham .
16 The awards are organised by the Royal Association for Disability and Rehabilitation ( RADAR ) and sponsored by Leeds Permanent Building Society .
17 PALplus will enable broadcasters to transmit improved quality pictures for wide-screen TVs , in a format which can also be received by standard PAL sets , and viewed with CinemaScope black bands at the top and bottom of the screen .
18 The contract was worth £1.31 million , and that was good money by the standards of the business owned and run by Justin Pink .
19 Meanwhile an inquest on Mr Brumhill was opened and adjourned at Northampton General Hospital this morning .
20 Meanwhile an inquest on Mr Brumhill was opened and adjourned at Northampton General Hospital this morning .
21 A man was brought from the building and taken to Middlesbrough General Hospital , where he is condition is described as ‘ critical ’ .
22 ‘ Job-lots ’ of bodies were bought in Ireland and imported to Glasgow labelled ‘ Tea ’ .
23 One will be based in Galloway , Scotland and directed by Rita Quick .
24 Determined to transform his country , he studied his advanced western neighbours and welcomed to Russia able men of every important discipline .
25 In a very human example of technology transfer , children at several hospitals in the UK and abroad have had unsightly birthmarks ( sometimes called ‘ port-wine stains ’ ) treated by a new laser system developed by AEA and licensed to SLS Ltd .
26 X and Y are lymphoblastoid cell lines transformed by Epstein-Barr virus and obtained from HLA-A2.1-positive healthy individuals .
27 The scene of our fight was the old school house at Elphin , converted and refurbished by Highland Regional Council into a school holiday centre .
28 The ANC controls most of the homelands which it wants abolished and returned to South African rule .
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