Example sentences of "[coord] [vb pp] [prep] [adj] years " in BNC.

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1 Some of the largest US banks , e.g. Bank of America or Citibank , have earned up to 50 per cent of their annual profits from international operations ; thus a US banking presence overseas is likely to be maintained or increased in future years .
2 It comes from critics who imagine themselves penning formidable papers which , like those of Gregor Mendel , are hidden away or ignored for many years — and do not fare too well , therefore , in ISI 's listings .
3 Educated , like Lilian Lawson , at Donaldson 's School and the Mary Hare Grammar School , Irene qualified as a teacher and taught for some years at the Northern Counties School for the Deaf in Newcastle-upon-Tyne before joining the staff of the BDA in 1981 .
4 Moreover , the impetus had been given t the establishment — under the direction , for England , of A. H. Halsey — of five action research programmes , to be initiated in 1968 and completed within three years .
5 A screening programme for high blood pressure and related risks , begun in 1968 and sustained for 21 years in a defined community , gave us an opportunity to study long term management of high blood pressure in young adults in a social context , with data collected prospectively on originally unsuspected associations .
6 The Palace was entirely redesigned and rebuilt within two years .
7 They attended art college together and co-habited for fifteen years .
8 The Birmingham Six were cleared last year of killing 21 people in two Birmingham city centre pub blasts in 1974 and freed after 16 years in jail .
9 An alternative scheme for the provision of advice was proposed and adopted after 10 years of pressure had failed to get the original scheme implemented .
10 Many of the works in the collection have been published and exhibited in recent years .
11 The hapless producers of the programme were given 50 lashes and sentenced to 4-5 years in prison .
12 Paul A. Bilzerian , 38 , chairman of Singer Co. and a stock speculator , was on Sept. 27 , 1989 , fined $1,500,000 and sentenced to four years in prison — the longest prison sentence given for a Wall Street criminal .
13 OWING to an error in a report supplied by a news agency in last night 's Echo , it was wrongly stated that Mr Bryan Williams , of Wye Street , Walton , Liverpool , had been found guilty of conspiracy to rob and sentenced to four years in jail .
14 But any chance that the British ( or Scottish ) Communist Party would form around him was lost when he was again arrested in April 1918 and sentenced to five years with hard labour .
15 Yidana was further convicted , without right of appeal , in 1983 of harbouring one of the leaders of the failed coup and sentenced to eight years ' imprisonment .
16 The man , who is not being named at the request of his family , was detained with a German man at Umm Qasr on May 28 and sentenced to eight years in jail in Baghdad on June 6 , a spokeswoman said .
17 Mr Baig , a Lahore business man , was the subject of a BBC documentary four years ago about a Japanese heroin smuggler who was caught in Amsterdam and sentenced to 10 years ' jail .
18 He was arrested in November 1984 and sentenced to 10 years ' imprisonment in early 1986 on charges of subversion in connection with the Tanjung Priok riots of 1984 [ see pp. 33287 ; 34233 ] .
19 After he had been found guilty of homosexual offences and sentenced to two years ' imprisonment with hard labour , the press subjected Oscar Wilde to vicious attack .
20 In 1984 , when she was 18 , she was arrested , convicted of assault and sentenced to two years in prison .
21 Also on Sept. 4 Milko Balev , deputy communist party leader under Zhivkov , was found guilty of illegal currency transactions and sentenced to two years ' imprisonment .
22 Rodolfo Salas , a leading member of the illegal Communist Party of the Philippines-Marxist Leninist , on May 14 was convicted of rebellion and sentenced to six years ' and a day in prison ; Salas had been arrested in 1986 [ see p. 34872 ] .
23 He was found guilty and sentenced to three years ' imprisonment .
24 JORGE QUINTANA SILVA : a 29-year-old mathematics student at Havana University , he was convicted in November 1990 of ‘ disrespect ’ and sentenced to three years ‘ restricted liberty ’ .
25 Todor Zhivkov , 81 , Bulgaria 's communist leader from 1954 until November 1989 , was convicted of misappropriation of state property and embezzlement on Sept. 4 and sentenced to seven years ' imprisonment .
26 After being returned to the USA he was convicted of drug trafficking , money laundering , and racketeering charges in April 1992 [ see p. 38857 ] , and sentenced to 40 years ' imprisonment .
27 Prisoner of conscience Yndamiro Restano , president of an unofficial opposition group known as the Harmony Movement , was convicted of rebellion and sentenced to ten years ' imprisonment in May ( see Worldwide Appeal , pages 20–21 ) .
28 With the assistance of Archbishop Romero — who was subsequently assassinated — she found her son , who was tried and sentenced to 30 years in prison .
29 He was on the Sûreté list and was arrested in November 1930 and sentenced to 12 years penal servitude in September 1931 .
30 BRAZIL : Darly Alves da Silva , the man convicted and sentenced to 19 years in prison for ordering the murder of Brazilian trade unionist and environmental leader Chico Mendes , had his conviction annulled by the Justice Tribunal in Acra on 28 February .
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