Example sentences of "[coord] [vb past] as if [pron] " in BNC.

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1 I always intended to , but I wanted a reason or some credibility to go back with , so that our gesture was n't completely fruitless or looked as if it had been a complete waste of time .
2 When Alexei Sultanov , a nineteen-year-old from the USSR , was finally declared the winner , he rushed up on stage and lifted his trophy over his head and yipped with glee and the people of Fort Worth stood and clapped as if they had been seized with divine ecstasy .
3 After putting a trial foot several times in the river , Harriet launched herself and swam as if she had been used to water all her life .
4 He said nothing to me about my fears for my sanity and behaved as if what we were doing were a common exercise , undertaken for purely scientific purposes .
5 The fatal , fateful thing was that for a century the device appeared to work : Canada felt and behaved as if it was still part of the empire .
6 She put her bag with the story on the passenger seat and drove as if it were a newborn baby .
7 Mortgage rates increased dramatically and seemed as if they would never fall .
8 Francie paused in rolling his cigarette and frowned as if his brother had said too much ; but Melanie did not notice .
9 " Indeed , I think it will , " said Gerald Hussey , and sighed as if he had the cares of the world upon his shoulders .
10 He could n't forget he 'd been an Army sergeant , he talked like one and acted as if he was still on a parade ground or something .
11 They had never met before , but as soon as Duroc was inside the Agency 's inner sanctum , the Chief Op looked up from his blondwood desk , flashed a monied piranha grin , and acted as if his visitor were an old college buddy who had happened to have walked in off the street .
12 He waved and grinned as if nothing had happened .
13 After his speech the conference clapped and cheered as if he had announced the abolition of the income tax .
14 ‘ I should think so , ’ he said severely , and paused , and swallowed as if he had some constriction , and then asked , ‘ Where were we ?
15 The fans absolutely loved him and would throng the terraces to witness his extrovert pre-match warm-up sessions , in which he entertained and even amused the supporters before returning to the dressing-room as mud-stained and soiled as if he had been playing in a game .
16 Then she kissed Auntie Lou on the cheek and said , ‘ Thank you , oh I do thank you , ’ and Auntie Lou smiled and blushed as if she had been given a present .
17 " She did n't really love him , " Sarah shouted aloud in the empty house , and blushed as if there were a part of Enid lurking somewhere that could overhear her .
18 He hesitated and looked as if he was going to abandon the trip , his smile coming back with such speed that Maggie stood too .
19 He relented when she blushed and looked as if she was about to start trembling .
20 It had all trees on it and looked as if it had been made for picnics .
21 Lucenzo 's chest rose and fell as if he was identifying with the loss of the Corosini family , and that touched her heart .
22 It hurt him to think of it even now ; he looked at the tall aloof girl , calmly cutting bread and butter , and felt as if something was bleeding inside him .
23 ‘ I think my trouble was that I had too much help and felt as if my boobs were all anyone was interested in .
24 ‘ I read it and felt as if my world was gone .
25 Flaubert knew a choking sensation and felt as if he had swallowed flesh .
26 As the orchestra took up the refrain once more , she came to take her mother 's hand at centre stage , and sang as if it was the most natural thing in the world .
27 She switched off the light and laughed as if she were innocent , fun-loving .
28 Hilary , coming out of his reverie , noticed his discomfiture , and smiled as if it was something of not the slightest importance : ‘ The suggestion has been made , ’ he said .
29 She sounded sad and resigned as if she had lost something .
30 He shifted his body towards her and spoke as if it were important that she , of all those present , should understand .
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