Example sentences of "[coord] [vb past] down to [art] " in BNC.

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1 Flat roofs are laid with a slight slope so that rainwater can be collected by conventional gutters and led down to the drains .
2 If he 's been largely absent from the small screen for the last two years ( the South Bank Show spoof , Norbert Smith , was a revamp of an old idea ) , that 's because he 's unplugged the phone , taken time out with his two old drinking pals and got down to the serious business of mucking about .
3 As Vimla pirouetted , pulling her sari over her head in a parody of the Dance of the Seven Veils , Chaman Guru put down the cymbals and got down to the serious business of collecting money .
4 So I just stood there while they shouted " Jolly hockey sticks , " across as her , and then Kevin started them off singing , " How green you are , how green you are , how green you are , how green … , " ever so softly , to the tune of " Auld Lang Syne " till her bus came , and then they sang it at the tops of their voices as she staggered onto the bus and moved down to the back seat .
5 They gathered their possessions and moved down to the cold , deserted taproom .
6 We turned left , took a deep breath , and changed down to the very smallest chaining .
7 The security guard pushed Jack out of the way and bent down to the driver 's window as the Glory slowed down .
8 His hand moved from her neck and wandered down to the soft fullness of her body .
9 He woke late on the Sunday morning after their first week , sent Ingrid back to her Gasthaus , and wandered down to the coffee shop where several of them came and ate a late breakfast .
10 Then she and Jack placed the woman in the care of the duty staff and wandered down to the staff lounge to pour themselves the dregs of the coffee .
11 Following these now disregarded signs of past activity along the old path , I traversed the hillside and came down to a crumbling stone sheepfold with the roofless remains of a shepherd 's hut built into one wall .
12 I put it with other money I had and part exchanged my irons for a full set of top quality blades which had been in a sale after that my game improved immensely I got my handicap by putting in three cards two terrible scores of 86 and the good card which was 72 my handicap was then 15 I played in a junior competition and came third in the lower handicap section a week later and played in a medal and came down to a handicap of 14 .
13 The green men in their cloaks of leaves and branches then discovered them , and came down to the beach and circled Dulé and his companions where they lay prone , and shook their fronds and squatted on their haunches and kicked their legs and tossed their heads and slapped palm to thigh , in order to rally them and send them off again ; pouring spirits and water into their faces to invigorate them , beating out a rhythm with their feet .
14 He unpacked and put everything away immediately and strolled down to the canal .
15 Slorne , who had been up at the back of her cage most of the day as usual , suddenly opened her wings , swung round and dropped down to the front of her cage .
16 The opinions are printed and handed down to the parties rather than being read aloud .
17 In Dennant v. Skinner ( 1948 K.B. ) a van was auctioned and knocked down to a Mr. King .
18 So left him and walked down to the river .
19 Fiona telephoned during the afternoon to say that she 'd brought Harry home and he wanted to see me , so with a sigh but little reluctance I abandoned the empty page and walked down to the village .
20 The desert was an unforgiving place , but their training had equipped them to cope , when at any time they could have taken the easy way out and walked down to the coast road to surrender .
21 The girls , looking one to the other , darting hate , hardly three foot tall , arose and walked down to the front of the class .
22 I cleaned up the spill and walked down to the corner shop with my grocery list and three ten-bob notes to pay off last week 's ‘ strap ’ .
23 He went to dwell on the ‘ residential heights ’ and walked down to the mill each day .
24 One January morning , the captain got up early and walked down to the beach .
25 One evening I felt restless and walked down to the harbour .
26 After Merymose had gone , Huy closed up the house and walked down to the City of Dreams .
27 He stood up and walked down to the deep end as he spoke , then he dived in , surfacing at least halfway down the pool , then covering several more lengths in a leisurely crawl .
28 The officer belaboured the driver about the head with a pair of white gloves , and stepped down to the street .
29 The judge left the bench and stepped down to the floor of the court to congratulate Mr Robinson and wish him well for the future .
30 The whole assembly can then be given several coats of varnish to help hold the windings in place and glued down to a square mounting board , etc .
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