Example sentences of "[coord] [unc] i [modal v] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Or er I used to use them too .
2 I was given the news last midnight and methought I would drown in the sorrow of my tears ! ’
3 And a I would say that actually during the early period in the Army , I think he probably gave as good as he got .
4 I don' think er that women mind at all , I do n't think that that people in general really take that much notice of it , I mean I personally er have no objection or would not try and dissuade these gentlemen from wearing these things , but I personally would never wear one , and one of the reasons I would never wear one is apart from maybe two cases there you can always tell , and I think the thing is that when I would feel very uncomfortable walking down the street and everyo I 'd feel that everyone was there going wig , wig and the other thing is , there 's a young lady at the back there made a very valid point , er
5 Erm that 's for that reason I think there is a need to address these sort of er approaches in the the new structure plan policy and er I would dispute very much Professor Lock 's statement on them being being no changes since the nineteen eighties .
6 Although I would n't t in interfere with show him how to do the job and er I would make sure he understood the job .
7 Black Rozario 's just limping now he 's virtually a passenger and er I would think Forest have got a difficult decision to make a moment or two .
8 I have to say Chairman that I find that the suggested resolution of six is totally adequate to deal with and I , I have read er the motion proposed by through a couple of times , and you know , it 's having a few frills here and there and some are , I , I , I find this one thing er more than adequate er to deal with the situation and er I would move that resolution formally .
9 Health authority meetings ca n't , they are n't very well publicised erm and in fact , sometimes we have go over and , and get our own agendas and er I would suggest that perhaps would it be possible for them to be much better publicised than they currently are ?
10 Er the second polygyny where you have one male and then females and here reproductive success erm meaning that there 's a large again you 'll have the males who 'll have the large reproductive success than males who have none at all and erm of course often differences between male and female because the male has and the male has opportunities to erm try to control success rate the female biological and er consequently with this kind of system from female choice and male competition and er are about eighty percent and er polygamy is when you have many males and many females and er is also and er I would assume it 's kind of like males have opportunities .
11 of course goes on about what he always goes on about and er I would remind him that the supplementary estimates which is in the amendment here , is also in the amended motion which is proposed by the Conservatives and had all party support on every committee that it 's come to .
12 I mean Tony 's been at the club a long time he 's expressed a wish to go erm his style and his age is probably just right to go on the continent , he 's twenty six years of age and er I would guess that his particular style wou possibly would be better suited to continental play than it is in England .
13 Erm it 's a hundred years of parish government really , and er I would have thought probably we 'll find out that the National Association of Local Councils will probably be organizing something we can erm erm you know , adhere to .
14 facility for for us to take it up , and er I would like to see may be er some something incorporated , there was one suggestion of a Bramley park or something of that nature was n't there in those suggestions we had , have we still got that one , could you could you just er inform me what it really said ?
15 and er I would like to make an appointment to come and see you er again next week to talk over this mortgage and to go into it a bit more
16 You were with the public , direct contact with the public and er I would hate to have been sat in an office and just looked at four walls .
17 And er I 'll show you a little booklet I 've got somewhere on that about the nation about his bungalow .
18 Cos they sent me loads of that and er I 'll sort you out with a T shirt as well all right ?
19 Let's meet and er I 'll give you hints for .
20 Criminals are n't too bothered about the er problems they cause victims in the commission for their crime , but er as a general rule er they do draw a line somewhere , but I think to er rob a lady who is er presumably grieving over the loss of a relative , at the graveside , has got to be plumbing some new depth of er depravity and er I 'll expect the erm vast majority of the citizens of Banbury will think similarly .
21 and use that and er I 'll tell you later .
22 Erm and er I 'll take that away
23 And er I 'll have to knock off a minute .
24 Yeah I like to , I like to have a go at different things I mean the the the other the other lunchtime we had you know he came in at lunchtime and er Shirley had gone somewhere Ann and er I 'll have the chicken kiev for me please so so I went and did it did you cook that for him ?
25 My first , er , but sad duty is simply to say that Sir Kenneth , our President , had hoped to be here , but he 's had er , an operation and er , he is not really quite well enough , so I was asked as a Vice-President , whether I would stand in for him , at the weekend , and er I shall do my best , and erm , I 'm glad to have to opportunity of doing one or two things , but we 'll come to those in due time .
26 Well I used to the grindstone was in the cart shed , you see , and er I used to turn the handle whilst he ground his knives down and then he 'd take them in the slaughterhouse , after he got them ground , and put them on this stone to get them smooth , to get a fine edge on the knife .
27 Well before I went to Hemel Hempstead , my father was dredging the first part of the quay at six hundred feet , what we call a six hundred feet , the first part and er I used to take his dinner down , because he 'd , he would n't have anything cooked aboard the ship .
28 And er I used to go myself quite a lot er when there were well when there were more than one coming up I 've seen me go into , down in the pullman train from here to er , well we had about five changes I think , fat father had it all marked out so as you changed at a certain place .
29 And then they used to put them in er er small boxes out in the field and er I used to go round in the woodlands and cut some you see , put them in the ground with a small branch on them and then we used to make some string and loops out of erm wire to go round their feet you see .
30 They were but it , well it was an event , a big event in , in the , among the younger people anyway in Brooks in Willenhall then and er it was really lovely , really lovely I forget if we had to pay to go in , but er we had er we saved up for a good few weeks before , so that we would have some money to spend at the Wakes it was one of the an event of the year then , but erm I used to like Willenhall Wakes and er I used to go dancing a lot well I was allowed to go dancing cos I 've always loved singing and dancing you see and er I was allowed but I had to be home before my father got home , but I was n't always .
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