Example sentences of "[coord] [unc] [conj] we do " in BNC.

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1 In young miocenics the glad may be very over active when it should have become atrophied , and in some patients , not very many , there may be a benign tumour of the gland and erm but we do n't think that that tumour does itself provoke the immune response , but there is a distant and rare cousin of miocenia gravis , the lampodetonmiocenic syndrome , where cancer does play a bigger part .
2 I still n , I still think that we need to make er quick pro progress Chairman but er unless we do make quick progress and unless we do understand what 's going on and call a spade a spade then I think this programme is doomed .
3 Nine months or a year 's time we may have a different animal working in that office and it may well be some person who has who does some J L O work to supplement John and does some project work , now er Jackie has indicated she 'd love to fill that role , and we all know what project she 'd want to be doing it , but er if we do put somebody in that role they will be project officer as well and on the wall will be a year planner and it 'll have things like crucial crew gala day and all these major major things and that particular officer will work quite closely with the new Pat and they 'll be able to take some of the weight off our shoulders so when we start planning for something like crucial crew you can delegate some of the work to the project officer and perhaps the other sergeant Now I know things do n't always work out quite that straightforwardly but you know the last year has been a bastard of a year for us in terms of sickness , four S L O's have been on long-term sick we 've lost Pat for all that time Jed was off for quite a while
4 Yeah , but er if we do have a party , yeah ?
5 But I do n't think that means we have to adjust our sales structure to them it may mean that we have to look at theirs and decide who 's gon na deal with what , but th but we do n't have to gear all our structure
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