Example sentences of "[coord] [modal v] not be of " in BNC.

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1 It may or may not be of significance that the Oxford English Dictionary can find no instance of the word ‘ pornography ’ being used before 1864 ( in a decade , it may be noted , which also saw a generalised use of the term ‘ capitalism ’ ) .
2 The situation in which a sexual problem is " masked " by a non-sexual presenting problem which may or may not be of true significance is not uncommon .
3 They frequently have to deal with awkward and unpleasant problems which may or may not be of their own making .
4 Extensive microbiological evaluation obviously increases the number of abnormalities detected ; however , these may or may not be of pathogenic relevance as also indicated by the persistence of symptoms after eradication of several infective agents reported by others .
5 ‘ Forgive me if I seem to be playing the amateur sleuth once again , but something else occurred to me the other day , which might or might not be of interest to you . ’
6 This can be difficult to organize and may not be of great use to the teacher either in planning lessons or in providing feedback for diagnostic purposes .
7 Unlike Hobbes , however , he allows that ideas or concepts can be general , universal , or abstract , and need not be of particulars .
8 The little volume , which deals with cooking out of doors for motorists , cyclists , campers , walkers , and fishermen has never been translated into English and would n't be of much practical use to us if it were , because the majority of the recipes are based on the products to be bought at the " village charcutier " , an institution which does n't exist in the British Isles .
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