Example sentences of "[coord] [be] [pers pn] [adv] [det] " in BNC.

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1 Or are they no more than generalized exhortations , the playthings of ethicists , who love to pontificate , because that is all they are good for ?
2 Are our ethical values ( the Principles of Honesty and Natural Knowledge ) connate , that is " known to us instinctively by virtue of our divine origins " , or are they no more than " long inculcate precepts " which depend simply on " what has hapned to be taken up by overruling Custome " ?
3 Or are you rather more than just het-up ? ’
4 Was he really ‘ guided ’ in his wanderings or were they no more than the meanderings of an old man ?
5 Are you gon na u can you use all of those or is it too many ?
6 This is not so much because John Hart , the Malvern College schoolmaster , and his nine colleagues would have otherwise found themselves paying a hefty tax bill on the concessionary school places given to their sons eight years ago ; nor is it so much because of the thousands of other employees who would also have faced tax bills for other concessionary benefits .
7 Nor was it only such ‘ new men ’ who devoted war gains to building .
8 Are you not a friend of Roy Dunlop 's and were we not all together once in Vancouver ? ’
9 Erm , is there really a danger of this , I see that er , the A C C are supporting the proposal , but is it just another sort of Euro directive that is going to cause a lot of expense and distress to a lot of people who keep pigeons , which is on the whole not a , you know , I was going to say , not a very erm , expensive form of sport or entertainment whatever .
10 But is it really any more implausible than yesterday 's announcement of a record £12 million sponsorship deal for the English Premier League by Carling Black Label ?
11 BRITISH Airways has bought Dan Air for £1 but is it too much to expect an equally fair deal for travellers : lower fares ?
12 Obviously he 's never going to get his chair up serious hills on his own , but is it too much to ask for the planners of country parks and the like to consider less able users when planning level routes such as nature trails ?
13 But was it only those two that had done it or was it
14 But was it ever more than just a project for a project ?
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