Example sentences of "[coord] [conj] they [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Oh yes , yes , they even had like they used to have savings ' weeks er salute the soldier week , they used to have promotions for National Savings you see and we used to get so much money or where they had a bid thermometer on the car park in Street which is now the extension of the Gala Baths and they used to show how much savings had been put in they used to have targets for people , to put the National Savings in , they used to have an Anglo-American friendship week .
2 There is no doubt that Unionists believed in what they were doing or that they saw the government 's actions as justifying their responses .
3 Yet it would be anachronistic to assume that they had surrendered their rights in anticipation of Marxist theories about the superiority of the all-Russian market , or that they felt a particular brotherly love towards the Great Russian folk .
4 This diversity accounts for the mutually contradictory complaints that are frequently voiced by village locals : that the newcomers come in and try to run everything or that they take no part in village life and are not ‘ involved ’ .
5 You can often get them back on track by suggesting that they take turns at riding the tricycle or that they make the Lego building a joint effort .
6 The conclusion is either that the political and social message concerning older workers was not reaching employers , whose strategies were determined by other priorities , or that they put the immediate interests of the firm , as they defined them , before the longer-term interest of the national economy as the government was defining it .
7 A number of people were granted exemption on the grounds either that they were too poor to pay taxes and rates or that they had a certificate signed by the minister and parish officers to the effect that their premises were worth not more than 1 per annum or that their personal property was worth less than £10 per annum ; however , no exemption was allowed anyone possessing more than two hearths .
8 Given this variation in language forms and use , the danger may be that teachers do not realise the extent of the variation , or that they regard the creole language forms as haphazard .
9 Fragmentation and excessive pace were also found to be important variables bearing on job satisfaction , with many workers , who did not find their work monotonous , stating that it did not absorb their full attention or that they found the pace of it too fast .
10 If they are as divorced from experience as they seem , the only explanations for their regular occurrence in a variety of people must be either , following Jung , that these are archetypal dreams with some allegorical significance , or that they represent an attempt to make sense out of experiences really occurring during dreaming sleep — an attempt to make a coherent story out of some pattern of the highly active discharges from the hindbrain which are a feature of REM sleep .
11 It is easy to say one of two things : either that such women find an outlet for their mothering instincts through other channels , or that they have no place for the mothering urge within their lives .
12 They just need a little help like with feeding or or if they throw a tantrum
13 There was here some enquiry and the that enquiry as a matter of public policy I understand the documents are n't to be available , even if they assist the police , or if they assist the other side .
14 If there is doubt about the cause of death — if , for example , the death was sudden and the doctor had not seen the person within fourteen days of death , or if they had no general practitioner , the coroner must be informed , and will decide whether it is necessary to hold a post mortem .
15 Patients were excluded from the study if they were pregnant or lactating , if they were expecting to undergo surgery , or if they had a history of concurrent gastric ulceration , renal insufficiency , alcoholism ( pure ethanol intake greater than 100 ml/day ( women ) or 120 ml/day ( men ) , or behaviour consistent with alcohol abuse ) , drug abuse , or language difficulties .
16 It concluded that no one knew what was in the dumps or if they had the capacity to meet future needs .
17 Understandably , it has appealed to teachers reacting against older traditional methods , particularly if these divorced learning to read from any kind of true reading experience , or if they involved the use of books containing as many older schemes did — unnatural and stilted language which prevented children from using the linguistic knowledge they already had .
18 I do n't really know what they think , or if they think , or if they give a shit about any of it in any case .
19 Erm nobody 's gon na mug a person if they see us coming , or if they see a bobby coming .
20 Well , if they 'd like to come at the fire station with their money today , barring fire calls , when we 'll be out of course , or if they see the fire engine driving round Didcot and it has n't got its blue lights on and they want to flag us down , they 're more than welcome to .
21 It is still not clear whether the approximately 250 people still listed as missing include those whom ex-detainees say were still alive in May , or if they include the names of those last seen in 1984 or 1986 .
22 So the treatment is double nappy if it 's not a very er serious one or if they notice a click just after delivery they would immediately put the baby in double nappies .
23 Holden calls someone a ‘ phoney ’ if they behave in a superficial way , or if they value the wrong things , for example money and beauty , and are hypocritical in order to be accepted in society .
24 But by the time of Charlemagne the majority of warriors were on horseback , though it is not clear if they actually fought from horseback or if they used the horses simply as rapid transport for traditional Frankish foot soldiers .
25 Boil them together half an hour , or till they become a thick jelly .
26 In addition , 10 patients were withdrawn because they either defaulted from follow up ( n=3 ) , all had moved away from the Sheffield area ) , or because they developed an adverse clinical event ( n=7 ) which led to a change in their treatment ( Table III ) .
27 And then er revolutionary armament d dependents , farmers , workers , staff professional workers , peddlers and others who rent out small pro portions of land because they 're engaged in other occupations , or because they lack the labour power , shall not be classified as landlords .
28 In a sense that mechanism is the cause of the industrial change : the shift to a new international division of labour occurs because of the international market and the multinational corporations , or because they set the framework for profit-oriented production and investment .
29 This might be because they were estranged in some way before the person 's death or because they resent the person dying and leaving them to cope .
30 Some fungus is used as food for the Night Goblins and their strange animals , but many are grown for their hallucinogenic or intoxicating properties or because they affect the Goblin metabolism in some other way .
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