Example sentences of "[coord] [conj] at the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It was not at all necessary to say that I hoisted French colours , and therefore took the schooner unawares , or that at the time most of her men were on board of the Indiaman ; the great art in this world is , to know where to leave off , and in nothing more than when people take the pen in their hands .
2 Whether he had had plans laid for me at the time , or whether at the back of his mind , hidden from consciousness , he knew that in taking me to live with him he would be enrolling someone to deal with the business side of his life , I was never sure .
3 If this view is accepted , the question arises whether the estimate of fair value for this purpose should be made as at the issue date of the warrants or as at the exercise date .
4 Yet his horizons were quickly widened to include the nearby town of Dorchester where he attended day school , and where at the age of 16 he was apprenticed to a local architect , despite his academic interests .
5 There is no publicity out yet for the line , but it is said that the 1993 peak season of four trains each way will operate for only five weeks and that at the beginning and end of season there will be no trains on Fridays .
6 In another sharp break with convention , the protagonist of Sonnets 127–52 ( I set aside 153 and 154 , two sonnets on themes traditional since the Greek Anthology , which do not seem to belong to this sequence ) gives his mistress not compliments but insults , or mock-compliments , and that at the level of the body alone : sex without love , as it were .
7 From the time of the early modernists ( Schoenberg and others ) , only the radical avant-garde has resisted this situation , and that at the price of social isolation and deliberate incomprehensibility : the only way left to refuse the market .
8 It is likely that the early figures in particular were underestimates , and that at the mid-century there were only two persons for each head of cattle .
9 The committee proposed that a life should be placed on nonconforming uses and that at the expiration of that life the use should be brought to an end without compensation .
10 The daring magnitude of this conception has since been obscured by its almost routine enactment in a series of African countries in the 1960s , but it should never be forgotten that India was the test case , and that at the time success in the execution of such a plan seemed far from assured : only a year before Mountbatten 's appointment the then viceroy , Lord Wavell , had been pressing on the Cabinet his ‘ Breakdown Plan ’ , which consisted simply of the phased evacuation of the British from India without any serious attempt to ensure that a viable , much less friendly , government was installed in their place .
11 Much of what he says about his money troubles and his illness is consistent with the evidence of extant records which show his salary was often in arrears , and that at the time he says he was ill his salary was being collected for him , indicating his absence from work .
12 ‘ Take my kids to sea for two weeks , just two weeks , and if at the end of those two weeks you really believe that the cruise-cure wo n't work , or if you 're convinced that you 're the wrong guy for the job , then send the twins home .
13 survivor 's , we will be with er a victim all the way through the enquiry and if at the end of that enquiry they will also be given details of the criminal injury 's compensation board .
14 Erm on the basis that er we were , when we were setting the , the targets , the time was set by the work study personnel erm and then the operator was able to obtain a trial run on the time given er and if at the end of the work , he was satisfied that he had made the target bonus , or near enough , or if he was satisfied that , given a little extra opportunity to go back onto that job should it come back again in the near future , then he would , he would see clearly that he could make at least fifty percent er which was the target bonus , and probably more .
15 1.6.5 immediately to bring to the attention of any improper or wrongful use of 's trade marks , designs , models or other similar industrial , intellectual or commercial property rights which come to the notice of and in the performance of its duties under this Agreement , and to use every effort to safeguard the property rights and interests of and and at the request and cost of , take all steps required by to defend such rights ;
16 It 's had it 's supporters er one is always reminded that one of it 's key supporters , the former American er er secretary of state and and at the moment , globe-trotting world expert er Henry Kissinger .
17 The spartan nature of camping requires that you live on dehydrated food , and since at the time of going to print no manufacturer has come up with dehydrated beer , enforced sobriety will be a big feature of your expedition .
18 She had clearly by various decree created a force majeure over mineral workings and whilst at the time this would have appeared an admirable standing , nevertheless the monopoly began to serve , in later years , as a disincentive to exploration and development .
19 The sports man or woman simply walks to the top of a hill , carrying a special mountain skateboard , and when at the top climbs on the board for a thrill-of-a-lifetime journey down the hill .
20 In October 1939 he caught a feverish cold ; he was altogether melancholy and restless , and when at the end of the year he was asked to make a radio broadcast , he refused because he could think of nothing to say .
21 Lupold was never acceptable to the pope ( to whom he remained the bishop of Worms who had transferred himself to Mainz without papal licence ) and when at the end of 1204 Philip saw hope of victory he made a bad move by sending Lupold to Italy .
22 In its style , the work recalls some of Prowse 's Jacobean productions , and when at the end a backcloth spattered with blood covers the wall and the line from Marlowe , about Christ 's blood streaming in the firmament , is spoken , Wilde 's belief that a work of art could be neither moral nor immoral has been overturned .
23 And as at the end of nineteen ninety one , we have almost two hundred million investment in the U K.
24 for me meeting with Jim was to say , yes , that 's fine but if at the end of the day we have to train down to a certain level within our group , there 's no way can we afford five man-days of lost fees and fifteen hundred pounds .
25 Let's look not so much at the left right divide , but but at the tone of the party .
26 Yeah but but at the end of the day how 's that person gon na learn .
27 South West engineers were called in to try and to trace the leak in the mains pipe and after identifying it they carried out the repair work on Saturday and Sunday , but while at the scene early on Friday they smelled gas , and the
28 He shuddered a little , but whether at the memory of this vomiting by the water 's edge or of something even uglier Wexford could not tell .
29 These are three simple and fairly obvious examples of protective devices with a topic that did not of itself require careful handling , but when at the end of the lesson they chose to extend their interest in hospitals in the future to ‘ finding a cure for cancer ’ quite suddenly the subject-matter has become more of a delicate one , with some taboos attached for both the pupils and the adults watching the lesson .
30 You can easily enough slip in a clue in two quick words somewhere , but when at the end of a book you say that your detective solved the case from noticing that one briefly-stated fact , the reader will experience a sense of let-down .
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