Example sentences of "[coord] [conj] you 've [adv] " in BNC.

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1 When we are told of any significant or long-term changes , we will inform you at the time of booking or if you 've already booked , you will be contacted before your departure if there is time .
2 Then , unable to hold back the words , she added , ‘ I 've been given to understand that you and Silas are both somewhat allergic to — er — to the feminine side of life — and that you 've both decided to live without such small luxuries . ’
3 Jason tells me you 've often made careless mistakes in your work , and that you 've always resented him correcting you , ’ Mike enquired , and Kate knew from the way he spoke that he too blamed her for the trouble .
4 Please come home and we 'll have the meal she 's doing and if you 've nowhere to go you 're very welcome to stay .
5 the only thing I wondered is if next year that you 've got to do a subsidiary , and if you 've not got a science you must do science
6 And if you 've just come in , here are the main headlines from the budget .
7 And if you 've ever been there and taken the trip on the little boat which takes you right in to the base of the falls themselves , you 'll have seen that there 's a hydro electric station which takes power from the water at night , when some of the force is diverted , and instead of the water going over the falls it goes through the hydro electric station .
8 So in some states it 's sixteen , in some states it 's eighteen , in some states twenty one er and Reagan thought it would be quite a good idea if they had uniformity across America er in which , you know , that they would raise the drinking age to twenty one er and this would then er reduce the incidence of teenage drunk driving and if you 've ever been in an American bar you will know you 're very often funnily enough they do n't ask me so much these days but you 're very often asked to prove your age , you know , er and you have to produce your driver 's licence and all the rest of it erm and so he increasing
9 It 's a spoof cop movie from the team who brought you Airplane , and if you 've never seen it then do n't sit here reading this élitist drivel — race , hop , limbo or mince to your nearest ‘ Videorama ’ and prepare to BARK with laughter , split your stays , and have the parts refreshed that other sagas can not reach .
10 we 're off grass track racing now … one of the country 's biggest meetings was held in Oxfordshire at the weekend … and if you 've never been to a race before … sit back and watch this … it 's exciting stuff …
11 You have ties obviously to hold certain things in and if you 've only got a van with a a third full you 'll have to use the ties because there 's space left over .
12 You 're very keen on commitment this summer , Leo and if you 've recently decided to marry , this will be a very happy time of year for you .
13 Just take the back off and and you 've only got to undo a couple of clips and take the pump off .
14 ‘ Because you 're a young lady , and because you 've already had your share of hard luck , ’ said Joe .
15 ‘ It 's not anything like as easy as one imagines at the beginning , ’ she said , ‘ and when you 've actually qualified it 's quite frightening when you 're confronted by an animal with some mysterious disease and an anxious client standing by .
16 the revised criteria and and and as you 've just read it out , I think for consistency with paragraph thirty three of P P G three , there needs to be the word unacceptable coalescence .
17 It 's impossible to judge exactly how many people will come in as a result of that and er , how much expenditure will be incurred because as you know we 're in a recessionary period and as you 've already heard there is concern about current trading , but I would hope that it would bring in er , something like a hundred and fifty thousand extra people , certainly in a good year I 'd expect more than that but really that 's about as much as I 'm prepared to say with some additional spending which will be incurred at Alton Towers .
18 See , and as you 've never seen them before ( for this reason the video carries an 18 certificate ! ) .
19 You could spend weeks pedalling up and over the North York Moors , but if you 've only got a weekend to spare , then the Rosedale area is without doubt the place to go .
20 Yeah , but if you 've only written one cheque in the past whatever .
21 This understanding may be due to the farmers being highly tolerant because there are so few walkers , but if you 've ever sat down to have a chat with a shepherd on the windy fellsides you might be more likely to say that tolerance and friendliness is in their nature .
22 ‘ Too bloody true ! ’ he snarled , but cooled down marginally , though that dangerous glint was still around somewhere when he added , ‘ But since you 've just said you 've no intention of marrying my cousin — this is what you 're going to do . ’
23 I 'd read all about it but when you 've actually got it , it 's horrible .
24 So I started in quite enthusiastically , but as you 've probably gathered from Con , I did n't succeed . ’
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