Example sentences of "[coord] [conj] it [vb past] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I have no idea who got that extra money or where it came from .
2 We do n't know what it is or where it came from , but there 's obviously something in it ! ’
3 The Royal Commission on Capital Punishment which reported in 1953 ( Cmnd. 5932 ) examined the experience of countries throughout the world where the death penalty has been abolished , restored , abolished again or where it existed in some parts and not in others .
4 Thirdly , it is doubtful whether the General Strike could be regarded as the watershed in British labour history , which it is sometimes claimed to be , or that it changed in any significant form the pattern of industrial relations .
5 In either case , an unauthorised practitioner will have committed a criminal offence under the Financial Services Act , and pleading that he did it only once or that it happened by accident is not going to impress anyone .
6 This means either that the utterance of [ 14a ] was not a case of genuine communication or that it did in fact achieve relevance .
7 That 's right , if the sho if the top part of the shoe went that was the only you got a new pair or if or if it burst around the sole and the seam .
8 If there is not , or if it went against him , what would his next move be ?
9 Finally , it is not certain whether the beach originated as a spit and extended south-east from West Bay , or whether it started as an offshore bar which has later been driven shorewards by the waves .
10 It is impossible to gauge whether Zealot activity originated from a single headquarters , or whether it consisted of a multitude of groups operating independently .
11 Or as it said on my school report for P E er tries hard but lacks stamina .
12 But the distance from where the tank now sat blocking the way at the head of the stairs , and where it had to be , at the end of the landing , was too great for them to shift it .
13 The designer is thus presented with information on the type of " failure " , its value , and where it occurred during the mechanism event .
14 His mother felt helpless about the problem and that it reflected on her capability as a mother .
15 The belief that self-validation was not an ideal system and that it prevailed in universities for historical reasons only .
16 In construing the Act without reference to the Parliamentary proceedings , he treats it as decisive that in this case the taxpayers ' children were only occupying surplus accommodation and that it lay in the discretion of the school whether to grant such benefit to the taxpayers .
17 Lord Fraser ( at p813 ) stated : The Crown contended that the definition in s454(3) ( now TA 1988 ss681(4) ) applied to all transactions that did not have a bona fide commercial reason , and that it applied to the present transaction , the sole reason for which was to avoid tax .
18 More important was that German and Italian aid tended to arrive on request , and especially when most needed following Nationalist setbacks or preceding major pushes ; that it was channelled through Franco as Nationalist leader and not , as with Soviet aid to the Republic , through a political faction ; and that it came on easy credit terms with no political strings attached .
19 An investigation of the Directorate published in Izvestiya of Oct. 22 , 1992 , revealed that the October 1991 order to form it from the troops of the Russian Interior Ministry was unknown to Supreme Soviet deputies ; that its personnel was armed and " in exceptional circumstances " could distribute its arms to people 's deputies ; that it guarded about 75 buildings in Moscow , " two-thirds of which have absolutely no relation to the parliament " ; and that it came under the jurisdiction only of the parliamentary Chairman .
20 Wherever we see an ancient town church without a churchyard , we may well suspect that the town is the daughter of some mother village near by — now completely overshadowed by its offspring — and that it came into existence at a comparatively late date , since the Norman Conquest anyway , and most probably in the twelfth or thirteenth century .
21 Until comparatively recently there was a general belief or tacit agreement within the community that the later years of life were a time of " all passion spent " — that sex stopped or should stop with the menopause in women and that it continued into later years only in old men who were awarded the epithet " dirty " .
22 Our subsequent contacts with school staff in the city indicated that the legacy was a powerful and often negative one , and that it continued to be reinforced because despite a general loosening of LEA control and a government-sponsored shift to a greater measure of school self-determination , the Authority was perceived by schools as continuing to present itself as the main definer and arbiter of good practice .
23 Thierry Millerand , Sotheby 's head of French furniture , remarks on the extreme rarity of the Louis XVI ormolu-mounted and painted satinwood and mahogany commode ( est. $1.2–1.6 million ) that is the top lot of the Ortiz-Patiño offering of French furniture : ‘ The commode is one of the very few surviving examples of French eighteenth-century painted and veneered furniture ’ and adds , ‘ We are certain that it was executed by Joseph Baumhauer and that it belonged to a great collector , Nicolas Beaujon , in the eighteenth century ’ .
24 In our study continuous monitoring showed that DGR occurred in all patients with gastric ulcers , and that it occurred for a significantly greater proportion of the study time than in normal controls .
25 She knew it was a modern world and that it happened to people all the time and that it was n't such a big deal — medically or culturally .
26 Depositors and liquidators of the failed bank served writs claiming both that the Bank fluffed its legal duty to regulate and supervise BCCI , and that it acted in bad faith , an accusation designed to bypass its broad legal immunity from prosecution .
27 ‘ there must be something in the nature of a criminal intent of the kind which means that it is done with the idea of some form of hostility to the police with the intention of seeing that what is done is to obstruct , and that it is not enough merely to show that he intended to do what he did and that it did in fact have the result of the police being obstructed . ’
28 Others say that Tethlis grasped the Sword of Khaine and that it writhed in his grip and started to come free , and that the king was cut down by his own bodyguard who feared the consequences of Aenarion 's fatal weapon being unleashed once more upon the world .
29 It was Gibbon 's opinion that Trajan 's conquest of Dacia was maintained for reasons of prestige , and that it contributed to the weakening of the empire .
30 The talks had been postponed in February because the government claimed that the CNGSB had not defined its position , that its delegation contained no leaders " with full powers to commit all parties " , and that it persisted with attacks on oil installations and townships .
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