Example sentences of "[coord] [conj] [ex0] [be] to " in BNC.

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1 In the Communist Manifesto the claim is made quite explicitly that the family is to be abolished , education undertaken by the state and that there is to be ‘ a more equitable distribution of the population over the country ’ .
2 It is no coincidence that there is a letter signed by 11 paediatricians , a letter from a psychologist and letters in the local press attacking the Hon. Member for Middlesbrough ( Mr. Bell ) and me , and that there is to be a seminar at Teesside polytechnic next weekend , at which the guest speaker is :
3 Ianthe was sure it must mean that her uncle had been unable to come-for some comparatively harmless reason- and that there was to be no service that evening .
4 If not , and if there are to be individual assessments of the criteria , will the Foreign Secretary assure the House that if Germany decides that the criteria have been met and recognises the republics but Britain decides that the criteria have not been met , the United Kingdom will reserve the right not to recognise the republics ?
5 It is a threat because the Government have sat back willingly and said that they do not care if another 30 million tonnes of coal is taken out of the take and if there are to be gas-fired power stations .
6 If there is to be intelligence there must be memory , and if there is to be memory there must be a permanent , ordered structure to which each of the individual units is uniquely linked .
7 During my forthcoming Presidential Year it is my belief , as I know it is yours , that the Institute should and shall continue to look forward into the 90s and beyond and if there is to be a theme , it should quite simply be ‘ The Institute ’ .
8 A court order enables either party to go back to the court if unreasonable delay in carrying out the terms of the order is experienced , and if there is to be a conveyance of the matrimonal home following an agreement between the husband and the wife ( not incorporated into a court order ) it is always open to either party to make application to the court at any time .
9 But if there is to be a new morality — new values for the new situation resulting from technological and political change in the closing years of the twentieth century — then the creation of that new morality must in the end be a joint enterprise of both women and men .
10 But if there is to be an Oxford mafia in Washington , it wo n't be the first time former University College students have made history .
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