Example sentences of "[coord] [conj] [indef pn] be [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The message conveyed to the brain from one such cell is a bit ambiguous : it is saying either that a stationary spot is going on or off in a particular region , or that something is moving upwards in that region .
2 Or that one is to continue to believe in the biblical God despite all experiences to the contrary , that is to say believe that God is bound up with a religion and a community in which women are counted inferior ( in which case one is attempting to believe in an evil God ) ?
3 In social bird-watching it is very important that the people studied are not aware that they are being studied or that anyone is setting up a particular environment for them to behave in .
4 A similar photograph , with variations as to size and county , appeared month after month , giving the impression that those who read Country Life were above change , or that none was recognised there .
5 He is er , strongly er , suggesting that we ought to be rather more pro-active than we either are , or than anybody is suggesting that we ought to be in the paper at number seventeen .
6 If someone is sitting on the radiator it is because his trousers are wet from the rain , if someone is drifting across the classroom he is going to get some paper for written work , or if someone is leaving class he is going to empty the rubbish ‘ like he usually does ’ .
7 Rereading More Women than Men , I ask myself each time whether the relations between them are suggested with extreme subtlety , or whether something is lacking .
8 We were discussing the probability of Nerina 's essays being all her own work : or whether someone 's fronting her .
9 A chases B. When B is caught , s/he freezes , eyes closed , counts to 5 , then chases A. The game continues for as long as you want — or to a pre-set time limit , or when somebody is caught three times , for example .
10 It depends on who , what and where one is teaching .
11 Secondly , if the GATT round collapses , will he give an assurance that contingency arrangements will be made by the British Government to ensure that the multi-fibre arrangement continues and that everything is done to defend employment and the trading position of the British textile industry ?
12 It is essential that the United Nations operation there is properly supported and that everything is done fairly .
13 Some will actually feel that they are inside the body of the former self , and that everything is going on around them just as it does in ordinary life .
14 A few Greeks , however , such as Democritus , held that matter was inherently grainy and that everything was made up of large numbers of various different kinds of atoms .
15 Probably by saying that he only supplied what custom dictated as appropriate to the social status of the deceased , and that everything was done for the complete satisfaction of his client .
16 I began a slow jog , but after a quarter of a mile , it seemed that my feet had gained weight and that somebody was sitting on my chest .
17 ‘ What you can be sure of , ’ said Thorfinn , eluding the question , ‘ is that the Pope and the Emperor Henry both know , and that one is dying while the other enjoys indifferent health and has only a three-year-old son to succeed him .
18 This does not tie up entirely with the records of Hal Far , which noted that three Fulmars went up , and that one was damaged and the pilot slightly wounded .
19 Check that the bridge fits snugly back into place and that nothing is preventing it from seating properly ; small gaps at either end of the bridge are common , but the glue will fill these .
20 It was enough to daunt most people , but she once told me that the only thing that dismayed her was sorting out their incredible mass of luggage , making sure that the right things went by the right route and that nothing was left behind .
21 Kalm noted that the spent tan was afterwards spread in the garden as manure and that nothing was laid On pots in the summer , compared with Moscow where he had seen sawdust used to keep them moist .
22 Creggan was not afraid but instead filled with the feeling that there was strength in the Man that was on his side ; and anger too ; and that something was happening , something that concerned Minch .
23 He realised that they could n't put the fire out and that something was going to happen .
24 I 'd been in this business long enough to know he was lying and that something was going on . ’
25 Co-ordinator — making sure that objectives are clear and that everyone is involved and committed .
26 The plan also stated : " It is of the utmost importance that all the offrs and particularly senior commanders are rounded up and that none are allowed to escape .
27 He added that he was particularly pleased to say that funds for the 40,000 sq ft facility had been generated totally by the Company and that none was borrowed money .
28 Neighbour Muriel Harding-Newman , 79 , said : ‘ We could see the cows were stamping and kicking and that someone was trying to push them away but they would n't move .
29 He told me he had heard I was being watched , and that someone was looking for Magwitch .
30 And if one is forced to use the term ‘ geometrical ’ when talking about Braque 's work , it is even more applicable to Picasso 's .
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