Example sentences of "[coord] [conj] [pers pn] [be] often " in BNC.

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1 The largest of these was the Forum of Trajan but the oldest is the Forum Romanum , or as it is often called , simply ‘ the Forum ’ .
2 In Nasonia it has further been shown that condensation of chromosomes derived from the sperm is abnormal and that they are often fragmented in incompatible crosses .
3 It is generally accepted that people are motivated by success and that it is often easier to work towards realistic short-term targets .
4 Her mother , although of the mentality that refuses such places because of the price of the uniform , was luckily not in a social or financial position where she could reasonably do so , and although she was often unreasonable enough , she did not like to appear to be so in the eyes of the whole neighbourhood , so she constrained her parsimony and her innate distrust in education into selecting the less distinguished of the schools available , on the grounds that the bus fare was cheaper .
5 It must be admitted that Château Meloch was a great deal better some years than others , and although it was often possible to be amused by its presumption , it was equally likely to be pronounced fit only for cooking — and on one occasion its only possible use was as a substitute for vinegar .
6 We have spent some time on the preliminaries , particularly the notation , because notation is essential for communication and because it is often neglected as a stage in attacking a problem .
7 Eastern Europe chills down and while it 's often dry , snow starts taking over from rain .
8 Schools with collaborative cultures were friendly and secure places in which to work , but they were not cosy ; differences between members were openly tackled and though they were often resolved through compromise , this was not always an easy process .
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