Example sentences of "[coord] [conj] [pers pn] [verb] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 We sat on our stools and I smiled at him , thinking he was going to ask me about my dress or where I lived or something , and he said , ‘ Who 's your favourite philosopher ? ’
2 No we 'll leave it entirely up to you and i it was n't English , I think he was Polish or or you know and erm some beautiful meals there was a stew that he did and it was beautiful and we we told him
3 Or that I killed and mutilated a half-mad witch ? ’
4 The group can be asked to respond to what one individual has just said ; or it can focus discussion on one individual at a time ; or the counsellor can ensure that the group discusses general or shared problems , or that it links and compares different problems faced by individuals within the group .
5 If the spacing between the strands is uneven , or if they curve or go off at an angle , the knotting is irregular , and denotes a poor quality rug .
6 If Af = B we frequently say that f is onto B. If we do n't know ( or if we know but do n't particularly care ) that f is onto B , we often just say that f maps A into B. ( Thus " into " is just another word for " to " .
7 And the barriers drop , so if you try and go through when the lights are flashing or if you try and go round the barriers the chances are the train 's getting nearer and nearer and could hit you .
8 If it does not , or when it files and gives notice that it is satisfied , or the court on application decides it needs no further information , then only is a return day fixed by the court .
9 He said that old Soviet archives contained precise information about many US citizens who were held , including what war they fought in , and where they died and were buried .
10 The girls said it was the room with the round window that faced down the town and that Eve could sit at the window and watch everyone and where they went and who they were with .
11 Aye I said , so she said the landlord 's never put it down so we thought he 'd have had it down by she come home cos Alison seen it and where they work and th and there 's a room there or something and she 'd asked the boss could she have it for the bathroom .
12 His own sense of Scottishness was nurtured in Leeds where his soldier father was dispatched for wartime treatment for burns and where he met and married Ian 's mother .
13 But inasmuch as these two chapters show that routine policing exists in the province , they are useful as a corrective to the folk model of policing in Northern Ireland , which assumes that all policing is related to the troubles ; that police officers have been brutalized as a result of their baton guns , face masks , and riot shields ; and that they know or prefer no other mode of police work .
14 This way and that it rippled and shivered and then was still , a great sea .
15 It was to be alleged that the respondent had pushed the father of the two brothers so violently that he fell and cut his head and that he dragged or threw their sister in such a way as to cause bruising to her arm and neck .
16 You need to be on a diet that is healthy , well-balanced , and that you enjoy and makes you feel good .
17 This emphasises to parents that you take continuity seriously and that you encourage and value good working relationships with other schools .
18 too sure , and so they kidnapped and bussed us
19 When their prey species are inactive , cats may as well save energy , because they are unlikely to be successful in hunting , and so they rest and sleep for most of the day .
20 The building of Winston Grange , containing the first flush lavatory in Suffolk , proved a triumph , for in 1860 the third incumbent , a Reverend Mundiford Allen , became one of the best and most loved vicars in East Anglia , and although he died and was buried here in 1910 , stories of his virtue and kindness are still rife .
21 But she was still enjoying her new position as mistress of a farm and house , and although she respected and liked him , she did not want to marry him .
22 The servants brought platters of over-cooked , rather rancid meat , garnished with herbs , and once they withdrew and the wine circulated , Melford began talking at the top of his voice about sending boys to do men 's work .
23 And supposing it melts and we have
24 in the inside here and if we try and syringe it out it 'll pull hairs out
25 Well if we come and if we come and see your mummy , that 'll be nice .
26 She had crossed it once before , but she knew it would be much more risky today , because the recent heavy rains would have made the surface gluey , and if she slipped or made a false step she might find herself caught and held in the treacly morass of the marsh .
27 This method of deciding the right time to sow was recommended by Fitzherbert , the sixteenth-century writer on agriculture : ‘ go upon the land that is plowed and if it synge or crye or make any noise under they fete , then it is to wet to sowe .
28 I want Martin to be Cullam 's shadow and if he goes and pays cash for that refrigerator we 're really getting somewhere .
29 The point of contact with the fable of disembodied consciousness is that thinking has become Raskolnikov 's work , it has almost become Raskolnikov , and if he did and were nothing but this work we would have the first part of Notes from Underground repeated .
30 He has no power to order discovery of documents or the attendance of witnesses or to make any order as to costs ( unless such power is expressly conferred on him by the lease ) ; and if he dies or becomes incapable or unwilling to continue , it is doubtful whether another expert could be appointed under the lease .
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