Example sentences of "[coord] [conj] [noun sg] [vb mod] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 As a result the remedy can be repeated without causing the patient any aggravation ; or if aggravation should occur it will be of short duration , easily controlled .
2 Or if man can show it to sight .
3 Another question is whether Parliament should give its approval first before a public inquiry is held or whether Parliament should have a say after the inquiry .
4 However , this is only a recommendation and it remains to be seen just how much notice the courts will take or whether legislation will follow .
5 In fulfilling this duty the Bank may often be faced with situations where extremely urgent action is required , and where delay could result in losses to , possibly , very substantial numbers of customers of such institutions , embracing both corporate and private customers , whose interests the Act is designed to protect .
6 Often , the words alleged against the accused were spoken in an alehouse , and although alcohol might help loosen one 's inhibitions , we surely have to be sceptical about the depth of commitment of someone whose only Jacobite statement was made in a drunken stupor .
7 Decay may also extend beyond the damaged area , and although timber may appear to be sound , it may cause problems later .
8 After that , the pace of your life will begin to slow down and although confusion will reign supreme around the 26th , it looks as if a long-awaited breakthrough will materialise .
9 If the exclusive is now commonplace ( it is n't really , but unfortunately some people do n't know that ) , and if exclusivity can mean so many different things simultaneously , it has now become necessary to look beyond just fashion in apparel to explore what the class-cultural dynamics now are .
10 If panic dropped petals like a rose and if anxiety could flower in a forsythia bush then all the loveliest gardens in all the safest suburbs would bloom , bloom with every variety of stress .
11 Much as she 'd liked Josh , she could n't be sure Marianne was n't right — and if Dane could let her down , then why should n't his playwright friend ?
12 Then they condemn themselves as well and until society can say that 's perfectly alright , that 's a good situation to be in , whoever it is you 're living with , and that you as a child are okay and are valued then the children themselves will be okay and I think the Sco , we lose some of the erm secondary deprivation and emotional deprivation that children in single parent families
13 The cynic in me says it is because the larger firms do not do small audits and because abolition would cause problems for the ACCA , which would have more difficulty maintaining an audit regulatory presence as fewer of their members would be auditing .
14 We resist change because of fear of the unknown and because change can threaten our fragile sense of identity — when my self-image is indistinct , I must hold on desperately to those parts I can see , so that they survive .
15 It is difficult to define the absolute composition of fasting gastric juice since it is unavoidably contaminated by saliva , and often bile and pancreatic uice , and because mucus may bind metals strongly .
16 Probably yes , but no one can be certain of safety in this context ; the field is too new , and since treatment may have to be repeated many times , even an unlikely event may eventually happen .
17 And before Fen could answer her question a dark bulk moved out of the shadows into their path .
18 Thanks to all members who helped with the removal of the coach , also to Messrs Francis Rudge and Ray Graham who have recorded the proceedings on video and after editing will make a copy available at the Museum for loan to members .
19 The final issue must be that of quality of education and whether LMS will lead to an improvement .
20 David Hawkridge finishes by stating that all of us who declare an interest in education should increase our understanding of the new technology , and whether education can take advantage of it will depend on us .
21 Whether we should discard the traditional framework , and whether review should become akin to appeal , will be considered below .
22 By using individual company case-studies and macro-economic evidence , this research will provide some answers to the questions of why these alternatives failed , and whether productivity could have been raised by a general adoption of different incentive and reward structures in industry .
23 Anaphor resolution in the last four phases of processing was controlled by an arbitrator which compared the predictions made and decided what candidates were no longer plausible and when processing should terminate .
24 It is when morale is very low that we find it difficult to cope with the problems and difficulties of life , and when counselling can become vitally important .
25 And as packing can take half the time of the total removal and even more in certain circumstances , most people opt for that .
26 And as luck would have it , I just happen to have a list of apparently germane truths which I have been maturing during the last month or so , after being worsted in various conversations .
27 The first flight was scheduled for the last week in January , and as luck would have it there was a wild prairie blizzard blowing across western Canada at just the wrong time .
28 Since the advent of Felicity , she had gone up to sleep in the attic — an arrangement she preferred , as she had absolute privacy up there , and as luck would have it , there was an electric fire , so that she could use it as a study .
29 Two men retained their marbles , and as luck would have it they 're both roughie-toughie types as well as military scientists — a cross between Albert Einstein and Action Man !
30 The container 's transparent sides will give you a fascinating view , but they can also let in the sun and as overheating will kill caterpillars very quickly it is important to keep the tank in a shady spot .
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