Example sentences of "[coord] [conj] it have [adj] " in BNC.

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1 For example , does an animal recoil from a naked flame because it can feel the heat or because it can ‘ see ’ the heat — or because it has some completely different sense that alerts it to the danger ?
2 Samuel Hitching stated that he examined the Coffin carefully and that it had two canvas patches on where there were decayed places in the Wood — he also measured the thickness of the Board and they were only 5/8 of an inch at top and ½ an inch thick at the bottom — the lid was also warped that they could not screw it down properly-One of the bearers also stated that he was afraid it would fall in pieces before they got to the Church with it .
3 Britain was granted a specially lenient deal because Environment Minister Lord Caithness argued that it could not fit FGD in the required timescale , and that it had domestic high sulphur coal which it ‘ had to use ’ whereas other countries relied mainly on imported low sulphur coal .
4 Gina 's friends told him that this was a ‘ personal canvas ’ and that it had more integrity than conventional beautified portraiture .
5 We are satisfied it will be a valuable asset for the immediate area and that it has considerable support from the community . ’
6 The terms should also make it clear that the committee has the power to investigate matters within its brief and that it has full access to information .
7 He says that that it shows a revival of gothicism which coincided with the development of the new classicism , and that it has clear connections with the work of Nanni di Banco and Ghiberti .
8 The Office is currently considering the establishment of a computer-readable data archive ( CRDA ) , and although it has few answers to the problems facing the world archival community in such matters , I hope that it is in the position to ask some interesting questions .
9 ‘ John 's method of working would be : ‘ Okay , this is in C , ’ and unless it had abnormal changes we just went for it .
10 And because it had that name she did n't link it up to other terms like masturbation or whatever .
11 And because it has open server in front of it from the client 's side it looks like a server , so any of those two hundred clients or any of front end tools can have access to the email system as if it was a resource or server .
12 In rainforest regions , deforestation is the major agent of environmental change and while it has obvious localised effects , especially in relation to soil erosion and soil degradation , there is growing concern that such large-scale destruction of biomass may have implications for climatic change ( section 5.3.1 ) .
13 In very general terms , Marxist theorists look for the location of power in the wider social and economic structure of society There is continuing debate within Marxism over the exact role that the state ( or political level ) fulfils and whether it has any significant independence from the requirements of the owners of the means of production and the preservation of the system of capital accumulation In the long term , however , Marxists argue that the scope for human beings to choose freely and to shape their society as they wish is severely circumscribed by the private ownership of the means of production , the necessity of the state to respond to the crises and problems generated by capitalism as an economic system and the inequality of competition between different ideologies Elite theories do not go so far in limiting the scope for individuals to choose or to shape their societies They argue that individuals can choose , subjectively , to join , to maintain or to challenge the structure of power which exists .
14 It is in domestic architecture that Ostia provides the most interesting revelations for here are astonishingly well preserved remains of insulae , the tenement blocks which must have been constructed in quantity in Rome itself and , since Ostia is so near and as it had such close association with the capital , probably of a very similar character .
15 But if it had better-information about what was likely to happen in the economy than the private sector , the government could take such measures .
16 But if it has that civil capability it is all too easy to turn it to less than peaceful purposes .
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