Example sentences of "[coord] [conj] it be go " in BNC.

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1 It is his mysterious wind , which man can not get under his own tidy control : as Nicodemus was reminded by Jesus , ‘ The wind ( pneuma ) blows where it will , and you hear its sound but you do not know where it comes from or where it is going .
2 I can not help but marvel over the miracle of cordless technology when perched 40ft high , drilling through roof rafters with a cordless tool , not having to worry about tripping over the cable or whether it 's going to rain .
3 So y I 've got to weigh up whether I 'm actually going to make a profit over four years or whether it 's going to be , but I 'm not doing it for that it 's not so much making a profit as the fact that I can secure the loan for four years and know that I have n't got any extra to , to find , and when you 've retired , if you 've got say seven years on your mortgage and you 're thinking well if mortgage rates go up erm I could get stuffed you know if they doubled again then you could actually fix on that assumption .
4 God knows how far they 're prepared to pursue us or when it 's going to stop .
5 However , we will certainly look very carefully indeed at the qualifications and at the control of any potential incinerator and where it is to go , should one come forward in Northern Ireland .
6 These include a permanent exhibition of contemporary science , showing ‘ what science is today , how it is being applied , and where it is going ’ , Bray said .
7 So one would like to know how much calcium there is in cells , and where it is going .
8 Review your life , and where it is going : —
9 Make sure you pay the right postage on your letter for the weight , the type of service and where it is going .
10 Vision — creating a sense of what the organisation is about and where it is going .
11 The ability to see where something is coming from and where it 's going to .
12 What we did at that point , was to get together a task force of people to examine the idea and where it was going : the people doing the work and the people who were likely to understand the most likely market — put them together in one room to reason their way through to the fact that we really ought to drop the project .
13 ‘ You were saying that he has written a wonderful book — and that it 's going to be published ? ’
14 The thing to do , Bob , is to face up to the fact right from the beginning that it 's going to be something Victorian or Edwardian , and that it 's going to be in some slightly less fashionable postal district . ’
15 We still believe that there 's going to be a kingdom over in Israel and that David Koresh is going to come back and be the head of that kingdom and that it 's going to be a peaceful place as prophecized in the Bible .
16 Now let's say that urban wages , right are up here and that it 's going to take , it 's like this individual , this amount of time to get er a job at that , at that wage , let's say that 's the expected wage , of the urban area , okay .
17 I mean they do n't honestly care two hoots about people , if they can talk about the dreadful state the , the care of old people is in and all the rest of it and that it 's going to get worse , frightening old people .
18 Tell yourself that this is a habit which is going to change your life forever , and that it is going to bring you the health , fitness and slimness that you deserve .
19 One punter refers to a typically fateful day : 1 August 1988 - " … the day I returned from a holiday abroad , Harvard telephoned me out of the blue ( 8th April 1986 ) , and a chap who sounded like an enthusiastic young cockney told me how wonderful Towerbell was and that it was going places with top stars in tow ! "
20 I thought — it was silly I know , but I thought perhaps seeing Aubrey had reminded you of Madeleine and that it was going to be as awful as it was when you came back from England after that holiday .
21 In hospital they told me they were going to do a routine examination and that it was going to be a twist in the scrotum or it was going to be a tumour ; and it might be benign or it might be malignant .
22 And if it 's going to be relevant , from July onwards if Paul 's talking about moving into different premises ,
23 I do n't get the feeling that they particularly care whether this murder is solved or not ; anyway they want it solved on their terms and if it 's going to muddy a lot of their holy bloody waters they 'd like us to go away .
24 Stop running — it is probably excited by your running and if it is going to bite , running away wo n't help much .
25 Oh , and because it 's going to gi go in to your
26 And while food lasts , and after it is gone ,
27 ‘ A major question lies over laserdisc and whether it is going to take off .
28 The wrist moves to get the plate spinning and when it is going fast enough you stop the stick and , because of the hollow in the plate , the stick goes to the middle After practice you can try tossing it in the air and catching it or passing it behind your back .
29 It was the beginning of these automatics , you 've seen these photos on the , on the television where these welders come down and they go in like this , well these was the beginning of that sort of thing because it was worked with a motor and a cam which er er the cam went round and it 'd lift the arm up and when it was went past the , the knuckle it 'd drop down and the speed you them out or the speed you sent them out how fast the arm would go up and down , and that was stitch welding .
30 I would rather not have that on the subject reports but if it 's going to be on i for the sake of coherence the comments should be together .
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