Example sentences of "[coord] [conj] it be [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Further procedures which may be undertaken in cases where more detailed information is needed or where it is suspected that there may be serious problems with vision include the visually evaluated response ( VER ) and the electroretinogram ( ERG ) .
2 I refer here to cases in which sexual behaviour or play with other children becomes obsessive in nature and frequency — or where it is imposed against the wishes of other children involved ; cases in which masturbation becomes a near-total preoccupation , or is carried out in circumstances which make it an aggressive act or one of attention-seeking ; or those in which the very nature of sexual activity shows that its implications are fully understood regardless of age .
3 Now there 's a new twist : how come we can know when a missile is even threatening to fall on Tel Aviv or Riyadh or Dharan , yet remain ignorant of when the next train will leave Waterloo station — or where it is heading ?
4 It is his mysterious wind , which man can not get under his own tidy control : as Nicodemus was reminded by Jesus , ‘ The wind ( pneuma ) blows where it will , and you hear its sound but you do not know where it comes from or where it is going .
5 Thus , it does not apply where the evidence establishes the existence of a collateral contract ; where it can be shown that the document was not intended as a complete record of the contract terms ; where its existence or operation was dependent upon some prior unexpected stipulation ; or where it was procured by some illegality or misrepresentation .
6 That is the scheme er as as I see it and unless , unless I I thi , unless that is progressed quickly then as I say I am extremely pessimistic and let me just say Chairman the dangers of not going along that line the dangers of the present scheme which was at the last planning committee meeting or or or was it one of the social services committee anyway , where four were chosen or or it was said choose a small number .
7 For instance , it is compatible with the results of all actual and possible measurements to hold either that the universe is of a fixed size or that it is expanding at a constant rate .
8 It is sometimes a way of endowing a person with a responsibility that trains him to fulfil various roles in the future , or that it is hoped will change his character for the better , or that endows its holder with prestige , or that gives him a certain hold on other people and makes them more likely to act in his interests .
9 Therefore one would have to say either that the power elite is a mere statistical phenomenon , a category , an aggregate of disparate individuals who happen to share some socially relevant resources , or that it is united by its objective interest .
10 Neither is it a defence to claim that best practicable means have been taken to abate or prevent the odour complained of from arising , or that it is emitted during the exercise of a business or trade in a reasonable or proper manner .
11 For while they indicate how complicated and taxing it would be to build inside the scaffolding erected by Althusser , they do not show either that the building would stand or that it is doomed to collapse .
12 I do not believe that what we have heard today represents a settled statement of policy , or that it is founded upon solid conviction .
13 For the purposes of mens rea or the mental state of the accused , where his awareness is impaired by intoxicants he shall be taken to be aware of that which he would have been aware if not intoxicated , unless he shows either that his intoxication was not self-induced or that it was caused solely by the taking or administration of a substance in the course of medical treatment ( Section 6(5) ) .
14 They denied that TM was addictive or produced ‘ spiritual trips ’ , or that it was viewed as a way of saving themselves by their own efforts .
15 A novelist can be even more helpful by saying that the phrase in question was spoken waggishly , or grimly , or that it was snapped out as the character turned angrily on his heel .
16 I can hardly suppose that she sat for you or that it was commissioned . ‘
17 The Shield of Cold is automatically dispelled if the wizard or unit he is with enters hand-to-hand combat , but otherwise remains in play for the remainder of the battle or until it is dispelled .
18 The status was intended to be enduring until its objectives were achieved , or until it was changed in accordance with the Mandate agreement .
19 tax paid and everything , and I know it 's gon na be in there I said now that to me is worth a lot I ai n't got ta worry whether there 's gon na be cheque from out on my doormat in the morning or if it 's gon na bounce when I put it in so I sa
20 Or if it 's gon na occur but it seems to me it would , or sounds like it would be a simple let in to the
21 Or if it is recognised , such individual rights are quickly dismissed as ‘ bourgeois ’ : freedoms within an otherwise oppressive system of exploitation .
22 A rejection of an ideal or principle is involved only if , when considering the relation of a man to his acts , his principle or ideal is regarded as absolute in the sense that it constitutes an infallible guide to human conduct , or if it is conceived of as a maxim in the Kantian sense and provides the reason a man might have for thinking it worthwhile for him to act morally .
23 An idea of the magnitude of this quantity can be obtained if it is compared to the total population of New Jersey ( 7 344 000 ) or Ecuador ( 7 814 000 ) , or if it is realized that 7 602 138 seconds make 90 days and 10 hours .
24 If there is no appeal or if it is rejected , Mr Cojuangco is expected to be voted back to the board .
25 It is negotiable , and if the drawer is of financial substance or if it is supported by some sort of security , cash may be raised by discounting it , selling it , or lodging it as collateral for a loan .
26 For a more important vote , or if it is requested by a member of the meeting , a ballot can be taken instead .
27 If your employer agrees to your early departure , you will still be regarded as dismissed in law if the agreement is simply , in effect , to bring forward your dismissal date or if it is agreed that you need not actually work during the remainder of your notice period .
28 Typically , the time to name is speeded up when the picture is preceded by itself , or if it is preceded by a picture of a related object .
29 It should be borne in mind , however , that if repeat sequences are to be probed , or if it is known to which chromosome or approximate chromosome region the repetitive or the unique sequences map , procedures can be simplified .
30 However , if the PRO is arranging feature coverage or if it is known that they will be available for photography their PR lives will be extended .
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