Example sentences of "[coord] [conj] it [vb past] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 There was probably a night service bus , but she had no idea where she could catch it , or where it stopped in Yonder .
2 When , with colleagues in the Department of Social Administration , I interviewed members of the divorcing population , they argued passionately that divorce was too easy ( or too difficult ) ; that everything was rushed through before they had time to think ( or that it dragged on interminably ) ; and that divorce should be morally neutral ( or that there should be an inquest in which every detail of their spouse 's despicable conduct was exposed to public view ) .
3 She had n't noticed before quite how dark his hair was , or that it curled slightly against his collar .
4 Penelope 's way home took her along St Basil 's Terrace , or if it had not done she would have arranged her journey to include it , even if it had meant a slight detour .
5 It is not recorded whether the Salas diary was his most recent acquisition or whether it appealed most to the colleague but the following story is quite remarkable .
6 Some of the changes were felt to be long overdue , such as a scale 3 second in department for English , and it was not always clear whether the appraisal had been the driving force behind a particular change or whether it had simply brought some long-standing problems to urgent attention .
7 It is not clear whether the water contained some herb which would induce miscarriage if the woman were guilty and pregnant , or whether it worked simply by psychological suggestion .
8 Now , I do n't know whether that 's because i in your house there is n't a husband or a partner , or whether it did n't occur to you to say we , whether you always think of it as I or whether he 's out winning bread or you know , wha whatever it is , but
9 Practice Richard Ashworth and ors v Berkeley-Walbrook Ltd ; CA ( Russell , Stuart-Smith LJJ ) ; 27 Sept 1989 As a general rule , where a counterclaim could properly be relied on as a set-off and where it arose out of the same subject matter as the claim , the counterclaiming defendant ought not to be required to give security for costs of that counterclaim unless there were exceptional circumstances .
10 Labour leaders in the USA claimed that NAFTA would destroy jobs and that it offered little concrete provision for retraining .
11 Many would have claimed that it served none , that it was but the result of the Fall and of sin , and that it brought only harm and hurt to the world .
12 Of one thing she was convinced , however , and that was that she had actually regressed to a previous life and that it had not simply been the work of her imagination .
13 The Church throughout the world received orders and instructions which it obeyed willingly enough , though sometimes it regretted that there were no arrangements for dialogue and that it had not been invited to collaborate ; the result was that unity had to be lived out in passive acceptance rather than celebrated in fraternity ( Pensiamo al Concilio 9 ; see Hebblethwaite , 1984 , p. 409 ) .
14 In addition , Lord Meston submits that the court also had ‘ rights of custody ’ in the context of the Convention , because it had made orders in the course of the cross-motions before it which indicated that it was seized of the matter and that it had not determined either the father 's or the mother 's substantive applications and had adjourned the hearing of the mother 's substantive application for custody and for leave to remove the child from the jurisdiction until a date in August .
15 Raynor paused , looking down into the half-closed eyes , and saw Grainne smile , and saw , as well , that despite her apparent tranquillity , she had been nervous , and that it had not been easy for her to come to his room .
16 The parish priest of Brackenstown , Swords , County Dublin , distributed a newsletter at all masses on Ascension Thursday , 22 May — though before he had read Archbishop MacNamara 's guidelines on how to conduct the campaign — claiming that no-fault divorce was first introduced by Nazi Germany and that it had since wreaked ‘ more havoc on the Allied countries than any German army or air force ever did ’ ( Irish Times , 28 June 1986 ) .
17 Jenjin told Rostov that Burun had broken Nogai 's wrist during an argument five days earlier , and that it had just been suggested that if his plan went ahead he might get the other one broken as well .
18 The idea that Stamford was the centre of Mercian government was invented by William Stukeley in the 1730s from his belief that Alchfrith had held his court here and that it had formerly been Hengist 's town .
19 The president claimed that only defensive weapons had been supplied to Iran and that it had all been legal .
20 On Thursday , facing uproar on all sides of the Commons , Mr Major ordered that the mess be sorted out and Downing Street duly declared that there would be extra money for the poor over and above RPI uprating and that it had all been planned before the Budget .
21 Although no opinion could be expressed about the propriety of interventions in particular cases — the enquiry was not a court of law — the report recognized that sexual abuse was no myth , and that it had indeed occurred in Cleveland in many cases .
22 The f I often find that really the first year it was more fun and er then when they started on the plays and that it got more serious and
23 Another possibility is that a woman had a bomb wired to her , and that it went off as she gave flowers to Mr Gandhi .
24 The armed robber might say that he had no intention of using the firearm , that he carried it with him simply to frighten the victim , and that it went off accidentally : if the jury believes that , should he be convicted of murder ?
25 He stresses that the decision was taken on the spur of the moment and that it seemed completely acceptable to everyone there at the time .
26 It is , however , likely that the audible beat was intermittent rather than constant , and that it functioned mainly to co-ordinate the chorus and dances on stage , rather than to control the solo singers or instrumentalists .
27 The fact that I was not alive when the munich thing happened — and that it happened so long ago — gives me far less problems with it than say heysel songs , hillsboro songs , and even racist ( black ) songs .
28 The Angel of Death was closer now , shadowed in the half-light from the church , the two marble attendants on guard at the mausoleum 's bronze doors , everything as usual except that tonight , I could have sworn that there was a third figure and that it moved out of the darkness towards me .
29 He came back from the loo and I had to stop myself telling him what I 'd found out and that it did n't seem silly or neurotic or hopeless or anything , but just very thoughtful and touching .
30 I said they were to write notes on large pieces of rough paper and that it did n't matter ( I always say this now ) about spelling .
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