Example sentences of "[coord] [conj] it [vb past] the " in BNC.

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1 As the Socialist Challenge pamphlet The Battle of Grunwick commented , ‘ it was not made clear whether the TUC condoned the use of ‘ unnecessary force ’ against non bona fide pickets or whether it thought the police were justified in using necessary force .
2 On the other hand , comparisons with national data may be less relevant in that there may be broad geographical variations either in incidence or in case ascertainment that would make it difficult to determine whether an increase in Seascale or Allerdale and Copeland was a local effect ( and hence possibly related to Sellafield ) or whether it affected the whole of Cumbria .
3 Irrespective of whether Reagan 's economic policy was correct or not , or whether it achieved the objectives sought , the fact that the policy was put into place at all is remarkable in itself .
4 The question remains therefore whether the F B I was wise to force the issue with the gas attack or whether it aggravated the situation .
5 By that time the flame was also very thin , and where it touched the wall the molten rock spat and ran .
6 Ziegler ( 1978 ) , in his discussion of the Mass Observation records on the coronation of Elizabeth II in 1953 , records that the two most commonly cited reasons for supporting the coronation were that it created wealth and that it united the nation .
7 It is possible that it could have been left with the registry in this office and that it reached the case file as a result , but I can not be sure .
8 The declaration proclaimed further that the Russian people had the sole right to own , utilize and dispose of Russia 's natural wealth ; that the RSFSR had the right to form its own diplomatic links with other Soviet republics and foreign states ; and that it had the right to participate in the exercise of powers which it had voluntarily passed to the Union .
9 Propaganda actions , such as Christmas sales of excess butter , failed to stop the complaints about the policy : that it tended to help large farms , which could adopt intensive production methods , rather than the needy ; that it distorted world markets and upset the US , which threatened a trade war with the EC over CAP in 1986 — 7 ; and that it harmed the environment by encouraging the use of chemical fertilisers .
10 Observers commented that the party 's support appeared to come largely from the Kikuyu , the country 's largest ethnic group , and that it lacked the broad-based support enjoyed by FORD .
11 But Intel insists that DEC was still showing interest in marketing the follow-on Paragon machine and that it pulled the plug on the deal because it was not satisfied with DEC 's level of commitment .
12 Djilas did not at this stage of his analysis refer to bureaucracy as a class , though he recognized that it had exclusive control of production and distribution and that it expropriated the economic surplus for itself at the expense of the ‘ direct producers ’ .
13 Commenting on its figures ( page seven ) , National Semiconductor Corp says it expects fourth quarter gross margins to improve over third quarter margins and that third quarter worldwide orders set a new record , up 40% over last year , and that it entered the fourth quarter with an improved backlog — record OEM orders more than offset seasonal weaknesses in distribution to give record orders for the Americas ; European orders were up while Japanese markets weakened slightly .
14 Although the Chicago School over-used the Darwinian metaphor of the struggle for survival , and although it made the mistake of equating ‘ society ’ or ‘ community ’ with the social systems of relatively small areas , the Chicago School still has much to offer in terms of the new kind of spatial sociology which we started to develop in Chapter 1 .
15 And if it meant the purchase of a hundred acres of timber , I 'd count it cash well spent — especially to get men who can work as I 've seen you lads work this week ! ’
16 The situation would be reviewed and if it worsened the council would be informed and asked to reconsider the position .
17 This ‘ outsider ’ stance is , of course , nothing new , and if it bore the bulk of the band 's appeal , would be nothing more than a gimmick in itself .
18 Any interruption might stop the flow , and if it gave the Colonel pause for thought , and the brain behind the little piggy eyes a chance to work , it might result in an enraged charge .
19 And if it stopped the raiding , and put the Macleans firmly on the side of the Campbells and the king — yes , the advantages were there .
20 I learnt with someone else , did two years and then er that was an accident if you like that I got involved cos somebody wanted me to be involved and and it seemed the right thing at the time .
21 The vole had eaten seeds and nuts and because it sensed the long winter to come it had eaten a little of everything : acorns , hazels , haws , hips , sweet catkins , sour apples , sharp sloes , soft blackberries .
22 Of its kind it was unique because of its importance and because it covered the period from 1906 to 1914 , from Modigliani 's arrival in France until the general call-up in 1914 .
23 e.g. The passage on p. 16 argues that monarchy provided the important political people in Europe because of its universality as a form of government and because it embodied the values and aspirations of contemporary society-monarchy led society ( e.g. patronage ) and also fulfilled conservative role by sanctioning the established order- monarchy 's authority and status in large part derived from alliance with the landed aristocracy and army-the rise of industrial and commercial classes challenged this status quo as the new providers of national wealth , though agriculture still important- industrialists absorbed into status quo .
24 Fortunately , the classroom located below this block was the smaller of the two , and because it adjoined the kitchen , it made a logical dining-room .
25 The government had to act swiftly , Mr Balladur argued , before it was obliged to take yet tougher measures — and before it lost the chance of blaming its Socialist predecessors for their legacy .
26 Whether the satisfaction occurred , and whether it outweighed the inconvenience of having to have an egg handy , was as hard to substantiate as most other claims for the wonders of depth psychology .
27 Erm obviously the er and as Alan 's asked us few weeks ago , permission to explore maybe looking for the finances , if and when it became the situation .
28 The series originated from various communities and when it reached the west coast I had to provide the script for a new show every seven days for ten weeks .
29 The fear got worse and when it reached the stage where five brandies were required to get me on stage , I had to stop and take stock of myself I had no desire to inflict an alcoholic parent on MY children .
30 Piper had started using Red Indian names for its aircraft and when it inherited the ‘ poor man 's Dakota ’ from Stinson the double fin and rudder layout was replaced with a single one and it was decided to call it the Apache .
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