Example sentences of "[coord] [conj] [pron] think [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Or if you think of anything else … ’
2 And that 's their right and so you think of something else we you 're not allowed to take them out of a favourite lesson , you 're not allowed to say you are going to miss your football or a P E P E teachers and the football teachers , quite rightly , say if you ca n't keep discipline in your class why why should we be penalized ?
3 This is a completely new way of funding the universities , and although we think at Birmingham that we can give good value for money and provide a good education at a fair price , this is new territory for us and there could be some surprises on the way .
4 The most recent has been from the late 1970s through the 1980s , and if we think of those years as one of only four periods of major structural change in nearly two centuries we can appreciate that we have been living in interesting times .
5 This activity is performed by the hand , when we think by writing ; by the mouth and larynx , when we think by speaking ; and if we think by imagining signs or pictures , I can give you no agent that thinks .
6 And if you think about it , that 's more than 11 hours each and every weekday .
7 And if you think about it you ca n't get a much bigger turn out than that .
8 All it is , is where the head of the femur is not correctly positioned in the hip socket and the proper name for the hip socket , you 'll see in your books is acetabulum This is definitely a condition which is familiar as a fam a family tendency and if you think about it if you have a , a , a big hip socket your children are likely to have big hip sockets it 's a family
9 And if you think about it logically you must know I could n't have followed you .
10 On the other hand the ideas that are associated with him such as this fascist idea of engineering a super race O K are distinctly , you know sort of Nazi ideas are n't they and if you think about the political erm context in which this play was written .
11 I said , Oh yes , and if you think for one minute I 'm taking pathology forms to your room , I said , you must have had .
12 And if you think for a single moment that there 's going to be a repeat of tonight then think again .
13 Be active in your thoughts to counter the negative tendency , and if you think of rest and relaxation as recharging , you will see that there is something here to achieve ; it is not just a letting go .
14 It 's so much more fun being a ‘ winner ’ than a ‘ loser ’ and if you think of yourself as a born loser , you 're wrong !
15 And if you think of the country as a whole , er you 'll find tetanus in most areas of the country .
16 And if you think of that and of the kettle that 'll rem that 'll remind you that it 's a K for kettle same as a K for kick .
17 In New Zealand er our team got a gold and a silver medal in the World Blind Sailing Competition and if you think of what that is in that was involved in achieving that er it is a very great matter .
18 Hardly National Anthems , because if you think of the Red Flag , which is the Communist Anthem , it 's not National , because it spreads throughout the whole of the world , for those people who are erm , red incline , Communist incline , and if you think of Europe , whatever you think of Europe , there is a European Anthem .
19 She says children can get it from a very tiny age and if you think of a child starting its every day , not even able to move its own limbs freely .
20 And if you think of what potential it 's got erm sort of like this squirt , if you like .
21 And if you think of a the main fabric of them , they 're quite flimsy .
22 I do n't like to speak of uniqueness and if you think of what they do erm many of them will be concerned in the research side .
23 How we judge will depend on how we see the sequence as a whole , and whether we think of it as a sequence , in fact , or as a collection of poems .
24 Many parents can not identify who wins these battles and when they think about it carefully admit that in reality the child mostly wins .
25 Many disabled people believe that encouraging a disability culture can only reinforce negative images of ‘ disability ’ — that is , they have not questioned the tragedy view of disability and when they think of a disability culture they assume that this must mean art forms which only present the negative side of disabled living .
26 And when we think about it , Edgeware Road , number seven , it is pretty early on , I ought to have realized , but I did n't know London well enough then .
27 And when I think of my daughters growing up in that atmosphere , in that society , I feel I must try to avoid it if in any way I can .
28 The schemata are gardens of meditation and when I think of poetry , I am taken to the far country of Li Po , and then I see Thoreau and Jnandas and Rumi and a hundred poets ; their images throng my mind and I am moved and tears come to my eyes .
29 Only I was really upset at the time and when I think of them drilling into my head and peeling back my skull and — ’
30 And when I think of the Third-World mothers who do n't even have a roof , and who still manage to love and care for their children , it 's very humbling .
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