Example sentences of "[coord] [conj] [pron] put [prep] " in BNC.

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1 And if they put into Mait 's mind the idea of crossing German willingness to use biochem weapons with the ancient potion-making skills of his own people … . ’
2 All they need is the planning permission and certainly the landowners will sell them the land , and if we put in stringent rules and regulations then we could control it properly .
3 By the time we get it spread , we only have a 10 per cent gain in terms of the total energetics of the system , and if you put in fossil fuel for machinery and for fertilisers we are running at a loss .
4 There is no blue without yellow and without orange , and if you put in blue , then you must put in yellow , and orange too , must n't you ?
5 I pulled up outside Tremayne 's house and while I put on my socks again she said she would come in for a while for company , ‘ to cure the trembles ’ .
6 all of them so when her class came up , cos she 'd been with the class right from nursery and when she put into this you know , with the double third year , cos they go upstairs for third and fourth year and they really do classes below she did n't know anything in the class !
7 By all means work to emphasize your positive qualities and to control your weak points , but if you put on an act you are almost bound to get caught out and you certainly will not be able to relax .
8 You wo n't get any increase this year , but if you put in a good bid now you might get your allocation upped for next year . ’
9 They did notice that , contrary to his usual custom , he showered at the end of the morning 's gym classes ; but since he put on the same grubby and sweaty old clothes he had come in , that was practically a wasted gesture .
10 But when I put on Love of Colours I could n't lie still .
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