Example sentences of "[coord] [adv] it seem that " in BNC.

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1 However , for both choices of verb , one of the reference candidates is much more acceptable than the other , and so it seems that in this case , only a weak preference should be imposed , with reasoning expected to make the decision .
2 Single parent families are much more vulnerable to attack , and so it seems that the best option in this situation is to put the whole brood up for adoption .
3 We have already noted a connection between intermittent alcoholic mania and the growth of state power , and so it seems that these two apparently unrelated phenomena are in reality both part of the same process .
4 And thus it seems that liberal social democracy cossets and protects the aesthete as no other form of society does .
5 You could n't understand it and mockingly it seemed that you were n't meant to : it was all just there , a small-scale catastrophe , quite ordinary although it seemed not to be .
6 The Arnhem debacle effectively put an end to our hopes of peace by Christmas , and gradually it seemed that the combined Allied armies were slithering to a halt .
7 He 's , well not necessarily made his mind but you can suggest that he might , may have done and also it seems that Alfiera is slightly half hearted in the way he erm like tries to convince Eddie cos it seems that i it , I get the feeling that Alfiera already knows and just thinking well there 's no point in getting really het up about it , so he , he tries , he says look it 's not a good idea but in the end
8 I had regarded the English language almost as my own private possession , something which was mine by right , and now it seemed that I was going to have to fight to hang on to it , as I was having to fight for everything else .
9 The kids had been sent to her mother 's house , and now it seemed that they had a new surrogate father .
10 And now it seemed that she had his understanding — and his love .
11 They had never even tried it until she had first seen Alain and now it seemed that every step she took was to be supervised .
12 ‘ We simply went to work like normal citizens during martial law and now it seems that 's a crime , ’ he went on , gesturing at the 20 heads of party factory cells who were gathered to discuss the future of communism in Poland .
13 And now it seems that I will go to my grave without meeting that special person .
14 And then it seemed that Duvall understood at last that he had been shot .
15 Moreover , men were selfish , cold-hearted and dull , and yet it seemed that , for some reason she could n't quite fathom , a woman needed to have a man around .
16 Crisp had slowed almost to a trot , but still it seemed that he might hold on .
17 Now she felt better , but still it seemed that everything had changed .
18 They had supposed the threat of Naggaroth all but extinguished , but now it seemed that the Dark Elves had merely been rebuilding their strength .
19 Only a few years before , Camille had been acutely concerned about her mother 's appearance , sometimes refusing to be seen with her in public , but now it seemed that she no longer minded : she had expropriated from Scarlet 's wardrobe those few articles that she felt would suit herself and had thereafter left her mother to her own devices .
20 This would offer great possibilities for travel in space and time , but unfortunately it seems that these solutions may all be highly unstable ; the least disturbance , such as the presence of an astronaut , may change them so that the astronaut could not see the singularity until he hit it and and his time came to an end .
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