Example sentences of "[coord] [adv] a high [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 How do you feel about the possible threat of intervention from from Europe or even a High Court action ?
2 If , for example , language is used to establish a context of shared knowledge rather than to identify aspects of a pre-existing one , then there is likely to be a higher degree of explicit lexical reference and so a higher proportion of full words .
3 there would appear to be a need for closer monitoring of attendance on induction training for new academic staff and perhaps a higher priority to be given to further staff development and training of mid-career and senior staff in the area of teaching and learning-facilitating skills .
4 Most universities have no formal qualifications for the post of lecturer , but in practice lecturers almost always have a good honours degree , and usually a higher degree and research experience in their subject .
5 It is more and more a high tech event where the general public and even the family concerned have little , if any , role .
6 Platt bought a country estate at Llanfairfechan in 1857 and was appointed first a JP and later a high sheriff of Caernarvon , as well as being a JP and DL of Lancashire .
7 Madame 's room above The Bar had a large glass-fronted bookcase , and also a high bookshelf running right round the red-lacquered ceiling , and they were both stacked with biographies and autobiographies of financially successful women ; courtesans , couturiers , financiers , novelists , acrobats , madams , actresses , mistresses , singers and wives .
8 The following year he continued with the building at Halling , adding to the hall a new Chapel , building on a chamber and dining room and also a high wall to enclose the court on the side towards the graveyard .
9 The government of George I and the Whigs never lost its credibility , but retained the support of a substantial proportion of the traditional ruling class and probably a higher proportion of the mass of the population than is usually realised .
10 Greenstein has reminded us of Marshall McLuhan 's distinction between " hot " and " cool " media , " hot " media presenting a complete pattern of stimuli , " cool " presenting an incomplete pattern and therefore requiring greater processing and hence a higher level of engagement on the reader 's part .
11 Reduction in death rates during the sixty-year period meant a larger labour force and hence a higher rate of economic growth .
12 The fact that small groups tend of necessity to comprise a membership of close kin favours the occurrence of kin selection and hence a high probability that cooperative behaviour will evolve .
13 John of Marmoutier 's life of Geoffrey le Bel offers a glimpse of how strong bonds were created between the prince and his followers within the household , and how a high level of training was maintained at all times .
14 The result was not only an increase in real wages but also a higher rate of inflation .
15 But now a high court judge has given the couple permission to take their case to court .
16 A tall order with many quality filter systems starting at prices up in the £200/300 price bracket but fortuitously a high performance filter had just come onto the market at an affordable price .
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