Example sentences of "[coord] [adv] is that [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Gail 's in , and so is that Lisa .
2 And so is that instant of anticipation when it seems that two bodies must collide , brutally , and one is helpless to stop it .
3 The difference between 1978 and now is that ambulance staff are not on strike but are working to rule , and answering all emergency calls .
4 And now is that view also an expression of local preference or local support in terms of the public at large in Selby district ?
5 What sort of information do the mass media select and how is that information presented ?
6 And where is that paper ?
7 But so is that part of me that feels alien in this country , lonely behind my wall of defences , inarticulate in my deepest pain .
8 Any attempt to pick out one concept , such as that of an individual , and theorise about it , will always be vulnerable to the challenge , ‘ But how is that concept to be explained ? ’
9 But how is that concern to be expressed ?
10 Keep asking : ‘ but why is that piece of information essential ? ’ .
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