Example sentences of "[coord] [adv] [conj] they [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 Psychoanalysts themselves undergo five sessions of analysis a week for five years or so before they can practise .
2 In the case of the couple or family considering the costs and benefits of a future child , the explicit consideration of rates of discount is rather different in that children are perceived to be a positive asset from early on in life but particularly after fifteen years or so when they can work effectively on the farm ( and so replace costly paid labour at times of peak labour demand ) or as a wage labourer .
3 And so this poor woman who was supposed to be asleep , And the problem is that er it 's very difficult to decide whether somebody 's actually unconscious or not if they ca n't move .
4 Do not imagine , however , that lectures will always be held in the order shown in the syllabus or even that they will cover every aspect of it .
5 One of the difficulties in the procedure for the institutions was the constraint on planning of not knowing — often for long periods of time — when or whether courses would be able to begin , or even whether they would be allowed to continue .
6 Many disabled people could not travel to the polling station , and few knew beforehand whether it was accessible , or even whether they could get into the booths .
7 The problems and abuses connected with the laws of settlement will be discussed below ; for the moment we are concerned to stress that persons with a settlement in a parish had a real claim to relief should misfortune or simply age overtake them , or indeed if they could find no work or even none at wages sufficient for the support of the family .
8 They came to his home uninvited once or twice and they would waylay him as he emerged from work at the factory .
9 I 've asked them as well and this might take them into the second week er to start with their pupils process on a Wednesday morning whereby in each classroom there would be a me master year plan even if it means they have to buy four and divide it up but I su I suggest that I would do something , you know , produce one and on that they will write pertinent to the the form to the form er and continue to add on that over , you know as and when it 's relevant er , dates for completion of course work , it might be module testing etcetera and I 'm going to ask at briefing that any anything that a teacher has put down for children , it might be just you know Mi Mr x's group is mentioned at briefing so they can write down what 's pertinent to them and therefore
10 The night before , and through the morning into the afternoon , the Wolverines had rampaged from level to level , always moving as quickly and confusingly as they could .
11 Most anorexics have a low opinion of themselves and see losing weight as their most important goal in order that others will value them and so that they can respect themselves .
12 Such bodies are set up outside government partly so that they can attract skilled personnel who might not be prepared to work for the core of government ; so that they can develop a high level of expertise in the area they are responsible for ; and so that they can develop policy in an atmosphere divorced from direct party political pressures .
13 In view of what you , Mr. Speaker , have had to say about the Consolidated Fund Bill , can you give some assurance that , if this matter about Maxwell and him laundering money is raised , you will ensure that people such as Arthur Scargill and Peter Heathfield will be given special tickets to sit in the Gallery so that they can hear the debate and so that they can draw the attention of various channels to the fact that perhaps Mr. Lightman should investigate the missing Maxwell millions , and perhaps we can find out whether Roger Windsor , Mr. Maxwell 's nark , was paid £50,000 out of the Daily Mirror 's missing millions .
14 They might think they 're getting away with it , a lot of people who , who , I mean being unemployed is n't , you tend , people tend to feel devalued and so if they can think oh , they 've put one over on that , on the er , benefit office , then they 'll go and brag down the pub about it .
15 Those accountants were to seek to approve the statement or agree on an adjusted version , and only if they could not agree would the matter then be referred to an expert .
16 Maybe I says it as should n't , but they 're not a pair I like , educated and all as they may be .
17 The relevant criterion is whether two forms commonly interbreed in the wild , and not whether they can be persuaded to do so in captivity .
18 Tourists come to Edinburgh to enjoy the delights of the Old Town , Holyrood Park and the Crags and not because they can bevvy up , create noise and nuisance until after 3am , ’ she added .
19 Partly , I suspect because a lot of us did n't trust the present governing body , partly because they believe , as I do , that there is a need to review and revise the present sixteen plus offer in Banbury , and partly because they could see no real benefit in opting out .
20 Arran himself had joined Beaton and the dowager at the end of 1544 , when they ‘ promised and made bond to the French ambassador , that the French king shall have the young queen , to marry where he list … and also that they shall at the spring of the year , send both the young queen and the old ( Mary of Guise ) into France ’ .
21 Oh certainly , certainly , erm boys grow up on the whole fairly secure in the knowledge that they have both work cells , occupational cells and also that they 'll be able to have families .
22 They would perhaps like to buy it , but they ca n't sell their property and also if they can sell theirs and they look at the cost of the property and they work out how much they 've got to pay for the mortgage then they find they ca n't afford it .
23 It is doubtful that the BCG matrix is very useful for total portfolio management in many multi-business groups , because , even if the group is involved in SBUs whose business is dominated by the experience-curve effect , it is likely that some of its SBUs will not be and hence that they can not be reliably analysed within just the BCG context .
24 2:11 , 16 ) and positively that they should recognise that they belong to one another and take active steps to welcome and support one another ( Rom. 15:7 ) .
25 And now that they can be found in every colour under the sun , they 're even more versatile .
26 He reached for his cup , and there was Julian with the flagon lifted , ready to refill both his and Hotspur 's , so silently and impassively that they might almost have dreamed her into the fringes of their conference , but for the fourth cup which had appeared beside theirs , and which she was also filling to the brim .
27 The telephone is very often the only link these loyal citizens have with the outside world they can no longer walk in safety to the local telephone box to make their calls , and even if they could , when they get there it is out of order .
28 For domesticated felines remain ‘ part-kitten ’ all through their lives , and even though they may be middle-aged in feline terms they still look upon their human owners as their mothers .
29 They came with a good suit on and they would go to work with a suit double breasted and then and they would work there and make a lot of money and when the next thing they would do they would hit into town and get all rigged out and then that was them from top to bottom from their hat right to their feet and then they were hitting the road then .
30 Cos they used t what they used to do in the small boat , they used to coil so much in the then they 'd row to the quay and then the they 'd run ashore hid past the line and pull a river and put the bollard for 'em and then cos they 'd turn round they might give us a quid for a drink you see
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