Example sentences of "[coord] [adv] [pron] [noun sg] for " in BNC.

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1 There was a limit to what she could make out , given the angle and that she was trying to see the page upside-down , but what she saw was enough to confirm that this book , or perhaps its predecessor for the previous year , had the potential to tell her exactly what she most needed to know .
2 But when it comes to defending Smashing Pumpkins ' tendency to write eight-minute epics he makes an r'n'r analogy : ‘ You can either f— for four minutes or sometimes you f— for an hour . ’
3 The prestige of Oswiu 's family , or else its capacity for intimidation , must have been very considerable for Aldfrith to return and rule in what seems to have been domestic peace .
4 If we never express personally and intimately our love for Christ , this intimate relationship side of our inheritance in Christ will remain stunted .
5 our sensibility is deepened and enlarged and thereby our capacity for responding sensitively to the world .
6 Hoving proved his own worst enemy , and eventually his taste for the tinsel and show of the art world overtook whatever feeling he had for the art itself , and he left the museum after his cherished Arts Communication Center ( to be funded by Walter Annenberg , with Hoving as its head ) , a nebulous film-studio-cum-information centre to be built in gallery space reserved for the European decorative arts department , was dissolved after much local criticism .
7 Jay felt like an athlete in training : Lucy 's perfection — and so her need for Jay 's perfection to love her ? — was her racetrack .
8 As presenter you have to give much of your attention to your active involvement in the performance , and so your capacity for evaluation is limited .
9 She frowned to herself , but Quiss was too absorbed glaring at the board — looking desperately up and down its length for useful pieces that were not there — to notice what she 'd said .
10 Mr Brownlow walked up and down his room for several minutes , deep in thought .
11 Standing over him , she saw how very old he must be , with the skin of his face and neck pleated in heavy folds of wrinkles and his wild hair quite sparse and white , and only her respect for his years prevented her from shaking him .
12 I do n't want to encourage anybody to take on such a formidable task , just to say that I 'm glad I followed my heart and not my head for once .
13 Male trade unionists also felt that the employment of married women depressed their wages ; and thus their struggle for a family wage also entailed opposition to married women as workers .
14 This approach , putting the music first , explains why Jarvefelt 's career blossomed at Santa Fe and in Sydney and also his appeal for the New York Met : operatic naturalism and story-telling are still the predominant aesthetic in all these places .
15 If someone arrives here from Canada , how can we say that we will consider properly and carefully his application for political asylum ?
16 Others have argued that the official statistics are grossly inadequate and seriously underestimate the extent of such violence , and hence its significance for women .
17 Some Social Democrats analysed Russia as partly an Asiatic mode of production , a position denounced by Lenin , who insisted on the fully capitalist character of the Russian economy and hence its ripeness for socialist agitation .
18 She 'd have no further excuse to remain , and even her reason for going there had now been achieved .
19 McCarthy drilled a huge hole in Lavey 's confidence with his accuracy in the ill-tempered semi-final meeting between the sides and tomorrow his penchant for picking off scores will be vital to the Cork side 's hopes of success .
20 She 'd been so preoccupied with first the tragedy , and then her concern for the twins ' welfare , that she had n't given any thought to the future .
21 Much more serious , Nijinsky 's summer holiday and then his preparation for the St Leger had both been painfully interrupted by an attack of ringworm , which cost him almost all his hair .
22 The effect of s80 is that if , for instance , the settlor creates a trust for himself for life and then his son for life or absolutely that in order for the trust to be an excluded property trust the settlor must not be domiciled in the United Kingdom at the time when the settlement is created and nor must he be domiciled in the United Kingdom ( and this would include deemed domiciled in the United Kingdom ) at the time of his death .
23 and then you text for your Oracle .
24 I want you to sign here and er the bit at the bottom does say that you admit the offence which you were er b er arrested for and then your release for custody will we 'll give your your er property back and you will be released .
25 This is the reason why our opportunity is so much greater than his and why our potential for joy is limitless .
26 Furthermore , the constraints of the ERM themselves proved inflationary as increased borrowing by the Bank of England — in order to fund the intervention buying of sterling — had itself to be supported by the issuing of Treasury bills which increase banks ' reserves and therefore their capacity for further borrowing .
27 The development officer said she felt the project had been unable to help much , because of the attitude of the relatives ; the principal carer had not been relieved in any way , and therefore her preference for institutional care ( without the ability to make it happen ) remained .
28 Katy Kass , 20 , not only has the looks of her mother Joan Collins , left , but also her approval for her choice in men .
29 His first thought was of the party who had just left him , but unfortunately his cry for help was not heard by them .
30 They lost their fight to prevent the war , but never their desire for peace .
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