Example sentences of "[coord] [adv] [pron] [verb] a " in BNC.

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1 ’ There was even some guy in Minnesota or Detroit or somewhere who killed a load of people and they started to call them the Lost Boy Murders , but I did n't take too much notice of it all .
2 Lambert hesitated , finding excuses in wanting to oversee the complete destruction of the flaming balloon , or wondering where the Triplane was , or perhaps they had a third balloon somewhere …
3 Or perhaps you 've an idea that you might worm your way into my affections , is that it ?
4 Or perhaps you have a good relationship with your financial backers ?
5 Or perhaps I mean a hurricane .
6 Or perhaps I made a mistake : you can see which I 'd rather believe .
7 or perhaps I make a rissole sometimes , but not put any onion
8 Or perhaps he had a premonition of the huge effort that lay ahead if he was to extricate France from a crisis in Algeria that had reached the verge of insolubility .
9 Or perhaps she took a swig of sherry .
10 But er it was quite interesting and er more or less you got a chance of going through the departments when you were before your time was out .
11 After an hour or so we reached a Slovak village with houses in the traditional wood construction with wooden roofs .
12 Every few seconds or so she squeezed a hard rubber shape that the blood bank nurse had given her , an action which would pump the blood faster into the cannula , through plastic tubing and into the attached plastic bag , which was slowly filling .
13 ‘ Every year when I come to Faalifu for four months or so I engage a resident pianist from California .
14 Erm and then I think you 've you 've clearly gone outside the definition of rape or outside you know a reasonable
15 At the initiative of the centrist faction , however , the Court adopted a new test of the constitutionality of state abortion laws , by considering whether or not they constituted an " absolute obstacle or severe limitation to the abortion decision " .
16 Whether they knew George Pittendrigh or not they felt a need to be solemn , to show at least an awareness of mortality .
17 It is the essential but usually overlooked fact that in any psychophysical experiment when , for example , subjects are asked whether or not they perceive a stimulus , their responses , verbal or otherwise , can not be relied on as accurate accounts of their conscious experiences .
18 The Act provided no definition of a ‘ public place ’ , but it refers to any place to which the public have access , irrespective of whether or not they have a legal right to go there , even when there are particular and restricted rules of entry .
19 The Inspector who reported on that Litchfield city local plan said , go away , leave your Litchfield city plan and look at the options beyond the greenbelt , including erm the possibility of a new village , and I think that 's that 's the point here , instead of rolling back the greenbelt you should be looking beyond , you know , what is the general extent of the greenbelt to see what options are available , just coming on then to the size point , again that Mr Grantham raised , I have through erm experience both in the Cambridge situation which I referred to extensively erm in my statement , and in East Staffordshire where we are promoting a plan , er a site for a new village which is included in the deposited plan , we 've looked in both the Cambridge and the er East Staffordshire situation , bo at service provision , both from speaking to the providers of those services and whether or not they need a specific facility in the settlement , and from the developers point of view , that if you 've got a pot of money what can you afford to erm provide within a settlement of that size , and the conclusions we are rai er sort of reaching are a du a settlement of the order of twelve fifty dwellings can support your primary school , community centre , erm a range of shops , and so on and so forth , so what I 'm saying in my submission that the an appropriate size is in the thousand fifteen hundred mark , is that were you can get a reasonable co balance of community facilities and provide the relevant infrastructure in terms of services .
20 Whether or not we perceive an event in the world around us depends on three things .
21 But George Bartlett , QC , for the NGC , said : ‘ The inquiry 's time and cost would not be saved , because whether or not we express a preference for one of them , they will remain as alternatives before the secretary of State .
22 Whether or not we have a right old barney depends on how it is handled .
23 But the tendency in households for business decisions to be left to the husband and for the wife , whether or not she is a joint owner of the matrimonial home and whether or not she has a separate job , to have the main domestic responsibilities still persists .
24 I believe it is entirely a woman 's right to choose whether or not she has an abortion .
25 The comment had some truth in it , in that the heroine did indeed have an equine cast of feature , but he made it too often , and with too little variation ; however , she was willing to forgive him , in view of his evident tolerance of her own social errors , such as an inability to say whether or not she wanted an ice cream .
26 And Kollerstrom is quite mistaken in supposing that this part of the study could show whether or not there exists a threshold below which no effects occur .
27 Since they are objective the question of whether or not someone possesses a concept does not arise .
28 Whether or not you get a loan depends on many factors including a credit assessment .
29 What happens depends on whether or not you made a will to start with .
30 Whether or not you make a LIVING WILL is entirely up to you .
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