Example sentences of "[coord] [adv] [adj] per [unc] " in BNC.

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1 Formaldehyde solution , as supplied to Embalmers from the major manufacturers , is usually of Index 26 , 28 or , at most 32. ( 26 per cent , 28 per cent or perhaps 32 per cent solutions ) .
2 The maximum difference in altitude associated with the Earth 's solid relief is about 20km , or only 0.31 per cent of the planet 's mean diameter .
3 In fact , it will buy 10 per cent less or only 90 per cent of what it would have when you originally made the money available to your debtor .
4 Certainly , dog loos are an option , but many are extremely expensive , or not 100 per cent safe , containing chemicals which can be toxic to people , pets and soil .
5 The budgetary deficit , which in January 1990 had been estimated to stand at around Rs55,800 million , widened in June to Rs64,400 million [ see p. 37530 ] largely because of increased defence spending projected in 1990/91 at Rs63,300 million , or approximately 37 per cent of total expenditure [ see p. 37530 ] .
6 for example , the Department of Agriculture for Scotland ( DAFS ) estimated there to be 75,000 people working in agriculture in Scotland in 1976 , but the Department of Employment data for the same year revealed only 33,000 people , or just 44 per cent of the DAFS total .
7 The proportions among those aged 75 — 84 were 8 per cent of the married , 34 per cent of the others , and for those aged 85 or more 25 per cent compared with 61 per cent .
8 Edinburgh East , for example , lost 2,721 electors , or nearly 6 per cent of the 1987 figure ; it 's a safe bet that few of such ‘ lost electors ’ would have voted Conservative .
9 But in a society where the official rate of unemployment doubled between 1979 and 1981 , from 5.3 per cent to 10.4 per cent and reached over 3.5 million or nearly 15 per cent during 1986 , where the Government , in the name of the market , is committed to weakening the ability of workers to defend their jobs , where the Government , in its desire to break what it sees as the ‘ dependency culture ’ , has systematically set about dismantling the welfare provisions which protected the poorest and weakest in society , where the Government , as part of its programme to establish a new thrusting entrepreneurial society , has encouraged a widening of differentials in income and wealth , we would expect the societal tensions produced to be expressed in , among other things , rising levels of crime .
10 This was not just a matter of helping a company and a colony in trouble ; imports were easy to tax , governments found that luxury products were particularly satisfying because their sales were not depressed by high import duties , and tobacco paid duty at a shilling a pound or about 100 per cent of the wholesale price .
11 Since federal expenditure on administration was only 48 billion dinars , expenditure on this item by all other agencies appears to have been 355 billion dinars , or about 3.8 per cent of adjusted social product in that year .
12 In 1979 , for example , of the 80,000 full-time teachers employed in further education only just over 36,000 , or about 45 per cent , were trained in that they had successfully completed a course of professional training approved by the DES .
13 One result of this change was that the number of households enumerated was about 300 thousands more under the new definition or about 13 per cent ( Todd and Griffiths , 1986 ) .
14 The mean or average amount was nearly 8 a month or about 0.76 per cent of average earnings .
15 By the end of the decade it was importing 8–9 million barrels per day , or about 30 per cent of OPEC output .
16 Although Labour was defeated in the General Election of 1924 , the election which saw the publication of the ‘ Zinoviev Letter ’ with the allegation that it revealed the Communist intention to stir the masses of workers to revolution through using the Labour Party and the Anti-Soviet treaty , its vote increased by more than one million , or about 24 per cent , even though the number of Labour MPs was reduced from 191 to 151 .
17 Between 1960 and 1980 the total acreage devoted to food production in Africa increased from about 70 million hectares to about 100 million , or about 2.5 per cent per year , sufficient to sustain a population increase of about 2.7 per cent .
18 He partly supported this belief by the fact that of the 3,700 books or articles listed in the two-volume Criminology Index ( Wolfgang , Figlio , and Thornberry 1975 ) which reviews theoretical and empirical work in criminology from 1945 to 1972 , there were only ninety-two , or about 2.5 per cent , dealing with white-collar or corporate crime .
19 Environmental protection in the UK cost £14 billion in 1991 , or about 2.5 per cent of the country 's GNP , according to a report by the Department of the Environment , with about one third of the total being paid by the government and the rest by industry and consumers .
20 Between 1979 and 1990 , 1,250,000 council houses , or about 20 per cent of the total stock , was sold to sitting tenants .
21 In the early 1870s a six-week round trip for two people from London via Belgium , the Rhine Valley , Switzerland and France — perhaps still the standard tourist itinerary — cost about £85 , or roughly 20 per cent of the income of a man earning £8 a week , which would have been a respectable servant-keeping income in those days .
22 But the government should put up 90 or even 100 per cent of the cash in cases of long-term R&D that are by nature speculative .
23 However , although this still may be effective in the less-developed world where about 50 per cent of the world 's labour force are still engaged in agriculture ( Grigg , 1976 ) it can no longer be used in the developed world for , as the next section shows , primary employment in most western countries has fallen below 10 or even 5 per cent .
24 This is the major drawback of the postal method , where response rates , usually around 30–40 per cent , are lower than in face-to-face research , which can hope to achieve a 70 or even 80 per cent response .
25 Additionality will drop from 50 per cent under the Highlands ' previously anticipated Objective 5b status to 25 or even 15 per cent in certain cases .
26 Because the service standards are likely to be somewhat lower than in a commercial operation , you might set the rate so that they were 50 per cent ( or even 60 per cent ) of the total .
27 Some would give 25 or even 40 per cent .
28 In a series of estimates which have ranged from 25 or even 30 per cent to 8½ per cent ( was that really said ? ) there is obviously material to suit almost every taste .
29 or maybe twenty per cent , ten per cent think they 're better than the teacher thinks they are , ten per cent think that
30 By May 12 the Bombay stock exchange index had fallen by 1,047 points or almost 24 per cent of the market 's capitalization since the scandal first emerged at the end of April .
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