Example sentences of "[coord] [adv] [adj] [verb] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 The cause of death will now be established by a home office pathologist : Friends of the dead woman say she doted on her two young children and was n't the sort of person to have contemplated suicide — the pathologist 's report will show whether or not that turns out to be true .
2 We were allowed to take the boat out ourselves by then as long as we wore life-jackets and we thought we might do that , later ; get in some fishing or just some pottering around .
3 As is unhappily all too apparent to the student of human nature , purely conscious intentions , even when whole-heartedly adhered to , are ready subject matter for forgetting , for mistakes , or for plain abandonment the moment something more interesting or more desirable comes along .
4 Breathlessly , Jenny poured out the news that the rear offside wheel of Miss Clinton 's car was loose , likely to come off at any moment , sooner or later certain to come off .
5 This should enable computers to give highly detailed information : how many people live within a radius of a certain point , for example , or how many live along a river 's flood plain .
6 It turns out that nearly all dispensaries are either destroyed , looted , or too decrepit to work in .
7 Chapter 2 aimed to let you learn some things about yourself and to discover what kind of area you might feel happiest and most fulfilled working in .
8 Without a victory for over four years and bitterly disappointed to miss out on this month 's Ryder Cup , Brand Jnr held a four-stroke lead over Swedish rookie Olle Karlsson , with struggling Welshman Phillip Price a shot further back .
9 Sally-Ann , unlike Rosemary , finds it a struggle and bitterly hurtful to dredge up her dreadful past — like Rosemary she has believed herself to be a doormat in society ; like Rosemary she has not known a childhood .
10 The Americans could take this a little further , but after Schweinfurt they had to stop and lick their wounds ; and so this leads on to the inevitable topic when I am confronted with the audiences I meet in all those places .
11 The teacher may feel it is quicker and less tiring to carry out the task alone , or to ignore teaching opportunities .
12 On honours degree courses , mature students are shown to do no worse than school leaver entrants , being more likely to get a good degree and less likely to drop out .
13 Jealousy and resentment between the different agencies involved with disabled people are often deeply entrenched and extremely difficult to break down .
14 " Shoes would almost certainly have had a maker 's name on them , and such names on shoes are generally stamped in the leather and not easy to take out .
15 And not likely to find out , ’ the young man who emerged dragging a suitcase muttered , ‘ if you do n't give the poor girl a chance to finish a thing she 's saying . ’
16 The sand felt firm here under his feet and he dog-paddled while checking the depth before easing on shore to lie with his chin on pebbles at the water 's edge , hearing the talk of sentries and just able to make out two figures behind a wall beyond the beach .
17 Would they be tidier and more accessible hung on pegboards ?
18 Others use ground glass which , though optically correct and absorbent of UV and IR rays , are ultimately breakable , heavy and more likely to steam up .
19 ‘ Citrus smells make people more alert and more likely to dash off .
20 I do not try and cosset these over winter by placing them into a separate tank in the garage , reasoning that the survivors will be the toughest of the bunch and more likely to make up into sturdy adult fish : come spring , they are distributed to friends .
21 The implication was that A levels must be retained , though , if anything , made slightly harder and more difficult to succeed in .
22 Although his general health seemed more stable after his long recuperation , he was finding it more and more difficult to keep up with his daily obligations , let alone those of a more public nature .
23 Most of us would like to think of growing old gracefully , enjoying the years of retirement , surrounded by family and friends … but as we get older , it becomes more and more difficult to get about and meet others .
24 This , plus strengthening of the laws against vagrancy in 1714 , 1740 and 1744 , meant that many of the lower orders found it more difficult and more risky to move over long distances .
25 Though crops can be raised for local consumption in favoured areas of Alaska and Siberia , efficient horticulture is possible only under glass and with considerable inputs of energy ; it is generally cheaper and more reliable to bring in produce by road or air from the south .
26 There are two roads out of Saint-Étienne , both of them leading to the Spanish frontier and both delightful to drive along .
27 Described by his owner-trainer as ‘ a long , leeky , plain-looking horse ’ , Norton 's Coin ambled along quietly while the fan club squeaked its excitement at the appearance of Desert Orchid , striding jauntily around the parade ring and clearly eager to get on with the business .
28 Bushes and shrubs , uncared for , burst bonds like fat women who have left off their corsets , and now many spilled out in mantraps of thorny undergrowth .
29 Cakes , you we that 's lemon peel and that 's how all these oranges were cut in halves , scooped out the orange and then all put in , one bit in the other .
30 We shut the place up early that evening and then all went round to the pub for a further celebration .
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