Example sentences of "[coord] [adv] [verb] up [pron] " in BNC.

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1 For those old people who want to continue living outside institutional life , it means in many cases living alone or away from their children and grandchildren , or perhaps giving up their own homes to live in ‘ sheltered accommodation ’ overseen by a warden and social workers .
2 Last week , when he had left Joe Hyde in the bookshop , he had more or less made up his mind not to attend the meeting of the Irish sympathizers planned for this night .
3 You have a reasonable period of time to decide whether or not to give up your job , but it is not easy to forecast what will be regarded as ‘ reasonable ’ .
4 The illustrations are replete with husbands who forced wives to wear chastity belts or even sewed up their labia .
5 Chapter III will help you to choose a rug suited to your individual needs — you may want to make a worthwhile investment , or simply brighten up your home .
6 But be quick : pick up your phone or else gird up your loins , grab your staff and hie you like blazes , sprinting as though pursued by the fires of hell , to the Arts Theatre or the Festival box office , whereupon you should pawn your handbag or your jock strap — even your jewels , just as long as you succeed in laying claim to a seat .
7 Take the whole interview into account or instead make up my mind too soon without proper evidence ?
8 Other researchers think it is more likely that the fish remember the chemical composition of their home stream , and so pick up its scent in the open ocean .
9 And so throwing up its hands in horror and resignation it turns to the priests and pastors of religion — of a more primitive world order — and tells them to get on with it .
10 It saddens me to think that as the elitists worry about the ‘ wrong ’ people getting into their clubs , and so tighten up their door policies , the indie kids , the hooligans , the ‘ lilac clad youths ’ are all denied the chance to hear the music that could damage their lives .
11 Lucille took a last look in the mirror , decided there was nothing that could be done to make herself any more elegant or beautiful , and so picked up her small bag that contained the precious pasteboard ticket .
12 In between these two extremes comes the large mass of honourable and intelligent outdoor enthusiasts who listen to the frothings and bayings back and forth between the two factions with alarm , but without the detailed information from both sides which would enable them freely and democratically to make up their own minds , and if necessary bring their concerted pressure to bear on one side or the other to desist .
13 Some criteria and methods for ‘ assessing ’ and ‘ accrediting ’ what had been learned would gradually emerge , serving to validate the teaching contract , regulate entry to the emerging ‘ discipline ’ and generally build up its identity and status .
14 ‘ If you have nothing better to do than prop up buildings , will you kindly go and find yourself a street corner and not clutter up my department !
15 Talking to someone about how she was feeling and not bottling up her worries .
16 He would n't have admitted it to Jo , but deep down he resented it when she was out of town and not picking up his calls .
17 The water was shallow and hardly came up their knees .
18 Melissa was shocked at the lack of sensitivity and promptly made up her mind to use Eleanor as the model for a future victim .
19 So , start with a stem and gradually build up your design from that .
20 Apart from the obvious aviation interest , reading this book is like watching a travelog on the USA , and once picked up it proves to be difficult to put back down !
21 These will enable you to get straight in there and hopefully smash up your opponent 's force before he knows what 's hit him .
22 I sighed with relief and quickly snatched up her jesses , wrapping them securely round my bottom two fingers .
23 ‘ We 'll be finished in a minute ’ , one says apologetically , and quickly gathers up her paper towels and Windex .
24 I consider that poor taste , ’ she said tartly , getting to her feet and shakily picking up her evening bag from the chair next to her .
25 The outcome of these processes is that the official portrait of crime and criminals is highly selective , serving to conceal crimes of the powerful and hence shore up their interests , particularly the need to be legitimated through maintaining the appearance of respectability .
26 There , behind the high green doors of his mews home near Harrods , the supreme politician of motor sport had talked about confidence , recited his answers carefully and faced the television cameras with practised ease , all the time picking nervously at his sleeves and repeatedly pulling up his socks .
27 Some people , and you may be one , slowly and partially pick up their lives after losing their love .
28 And here give up ourselves in the full bent To lay out service freely at your feet , To be commanded .
29 I may give away everything I have , and even give up my body to be burned — but if I have no love this does me no good .
30 Ten o'clock — we come in from the park and then write up what we saw and do a project on it .
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