Example sentences of "[coord] [adv] [verb] [conj] the " in BNC.

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1 Our chart more or less confirms that the more central bankers a country has , the slower is its growth rate .
2 The most commonly used is the lesion method , in which part of the brain is injured or entirely removed and the resultant changes in behaviour studied .
3 Five years or so passed and the boy even went to school there .
4 Taking the second case first , it is clear that under section 8(2) the driver , in order that he may decide whether or not to claim that the breath specimen be replaced , should be fully informed of the nature of the option open to him and what will be involved if he exercises it .
5 It is for the housing authority , once the duty to inquire has arisen , to make the appropriate inquiries and to decide whether they are satisfied , or not satisfied as the case may be , of the matters which will give rise to the limited housing duty or the full housing duty .
6 A surety covenants that those things shall be done or not done as the case may be .
7 If any relationship did exist between recall and previous knowledge it may simply have been obscured by the binary nature of scoring junctions as either known or not known and the fact that most of the subjects actually knew most of the junctions previously .
8 It is a gradual process of which there will be intermediate phases and it is hardly surprising that in such instances we will be uncertain whether or not to admit that the infant has made the grade .
9 Further , no single or partial exercise of any such power or right shall preclude any other or further exercise or the exercise of any other such power or right under this Agreement .
10 ( h ) I have no evidence at all from her mother or from any other source that Miss T. 's following of some of the beliefs and some of the practices is so well thought out or deeply considered or sincerely held that the conviction is one which would necessarily lead her to an irrevocable refusal .
11 Instruction forms should accompany the order indicating the size required , whether it is one sided or double sided and the urgency of the task .
12 In addition , it is open to the producer or director to show that he did not know or reasonably suspect that the offending programme would be included in a cable programme , or that in the context of the broadcast the programme would probably provoke racial hatred .
13 In 36 of these , the submissions were wholly or partially approved and the courses will commence in the autumn .
14 There was no way the bodies could be cremated or even interred unless the coroner 's office was satisfied .
15 The demands on the human operator are difficult to quantify or even to describe because the process is essentially an interactive one .
16 If a particular monkey is chased and harried for as long as ten minutes , it may become so stressed that eventually it gives up trying to escape and sits to face its death without screaming or even resisting when the hunters finally seize it .
17 But there are reasons to wonder , or even to suggest that the goal of International Relations should be understanding rather than explanation .
18 Uncle Philip broke the armour off a pink battalion of shrimps and ate them steadily , chewed through a loaf of bread spread with half a pound of butter and helped himself to the lion 's share of the cake while gazing at her with expressionless satisfaction , apparently deriving a certain pleasure from her discomfort , or even finding that the sight of it improved his appetite .
19 It would be nice to know who these nobles were ; or even to know whether the chronicler 's choice of phrase was due to ignorance or a desire for brevity or for the sake of discretion .
20 None of the other EC members have any sympathy for General Noriega or seriously doubt that the results of last year 's general election were in favour of the Panamanian opposition .
21 In the case of the cable service operator , and the producer and director of the programme in question , the defendant must show that he neither knew nor reasonably suspected that the programme would contain the offending words , or , if he did know , that he had no reasonable opportunity to remove the offending words .
22 The Disability Alliance argues that the quota system should be enhanced and properly enforced and the number of sheltered employment opportunities rapidly expanded .
23 He had brilliantly and successfully argued that the Toraja religion was one and the same with whatever " Hindu-Balinese animism " might be — and thus Toraja religion was permitted to survive .
24 The government accused Czechoslovakia ( which represented Cuba 's diplomatic interests in the United States ) of " hypocritical inconsistency " — sheltering asylum seekers while requesting official protection to deal with the " consequences " of such an action , and additionally claimed that the episode was aimed at causing embarrassment in the run-up to the July 26 celebrations .
25 Removal squads descended on the Lakes , threatening and verbally abusing and the bolt has now been hacksawed through , leaving a useless stump .
26 A Member simply gives notice and eventually moves that the Bill be read a first time .
27 Irish diplomats mounted a full-scale search in Argentina , and eventually found that the girl was among those rescued from The Family during the police raids .
28 Indeed , it may be that it goes further , and effectively means that the seller has not undertaken to deliver the goods at all , so that it may be argued that the seller has undertaken no obligation and , prior to delivery , there is only a unilateral contract under which the buyer is committed to pay if the seller delivers .
29 The village or small town most famous and most visited as the home of the Bronte family seems an unlikely destination for railway enthusiasts , but at Haworth station the preserved Keighley and Worth Valley Railway has its headquarters and museum , where there is a collection of locomotives and rolling stock .
30 She knew very well that he had always regretted marrying her when he could have had Martha , and secretly longed that the family feud could be ended .
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