Example sentences of "[coord] [adv] [verb] [adv] the " in BNC.

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1 Danish schools whose heads do not see themselves as curriculum leaders are not necessarily sunk in apathy or mechanically carrying out the dictates of a central programme .
2 After dinner we would gossip , play cards or perhaps walk along the Dee , idly picking up a piece of driftwood here and there along the way .
3 But I think they 've more or less given up the ghost .
4 On to the Poet Laureate , Lord Tennyson and Volume I only of his Works , a book which ordinarily , as an odd volume , might well have been sold for £1 or less had not the inscription on the title turned it into a desirable association item .
5 And he he more or less laid down the whole theory of probability , in a few days , Pascal
6 No one is saying it is fair , but the system has more or less worked over the years .
7 They wiped out the buffalo , more or less wiped out the Indians and , eventually , were driven away themselves by loneliness , extreme weather , drought , and the loss of topsoil brought on by over-farming .
8 Hitherto it was thought that natural selection is standing still , or merely weeding out the more harmful defects .
9 When development communicators ignore women , they consciously or unconsciously slow down the pace of development and perpetuate the vicious cycles of poverty , illiteracy , starvation and human suffering .
10 When development communicators ignore women , they consciously or unconsciously slow down the pace of development and perpetuate the vicious cycles of poverty , illiteracy , starvation , and human suffering .
11 In the Game of Life not seeing things as they are is like not seeing the ball clearly when playing tennis , or not knowing where the white lines are .
12 I have alerted the Director of Education to the likelihood that a decision on whether or not to take up the school site might need to be taken sooner than originally thought .
13 Creditors may vote to accept or not to accept either the voluntary liquidation or liquidator .
15 ‘ Are youse ordering , or just blocking up the bar ? ’ said a smiling , thirsty man .
16 The thirty pupils or more making up the group move around together in the school during the school breaks .
17 If enriched or positively modified then the final phase of ‘ fusion ’ ensues .
18 One ‘ grey ’ area is where to put active over 60 's — in future if the class is fully mobile , even though at a more sedate pace , the class should be included as Recreational specifying ‘ active retired ’ etc. but if the range of movement is limited or mainly seated then the class should be on the Specialised List .
19 Instead of spending $7 million on back-up equipment to catch the particles that its existing scrubbing plant could not cope with , it spent $1.7 million by periodically spraying its outdoor piles of iron ore and coal , by paving or periodically wetting down the company roads , by planting trees and grass to trap wind-blown particulates , and arranging shuttle buses so that employees reduced the use of their own vehicles around the site .
20 But the European Commission has so far shown no signs of stopping or even slowing down the HDMAC development programme .
21 Talking can often get us out of sticky situations : talking sense to somebody , calming an explosive situation , giving the person a chance to back off without losing pride , or even pointing out the consequences or pointlessness of the whole exercise .
22 Alternatively , you could decorate the order of service , if one was printed , or even write out the words of one of the hymns used and frame it with a selection of the pressed flowers .
23 The answer is that no-one can control or even forecast accurately the maximum flow of water that can be expected to surge down the Tay valley and through Perth .
24 So whether you 're tidying away some of those large toys that the kids had for Christmas , and have got fed-up with , storing a few treasures in the loft , using it as a laundry or shopping basket , or even to clear up the garden rubbish , the ‘ Monster ’ will take it .
25 As we know , the organisation of business er is n't their strong point at the moment , whether its been run ragged by their own rebels or clumsily breaking down the usual channels , seems our non-cooperation policy is merely an extension of the one that 's been working so effectively inside the Conservative party under the present Prime Minister .
26 Otherwise you will end up sacrificing expensive sewn slings or else chopping up the climbing rope itself .
27 It is all happening too fast for us to take anything quite for granted , neither becoming blase about the sight of ossified regimes crumbling at the knees , nor entirely ruling out the thought of some treacherous counter-current .
28 It is all happening too fast for us to take anything quite for granted , neither becoming blase about the sight of ossified regimes crumbling at the knees , nor entirely ruling out the thought of some treacherous counter-current .
29 After a few reasonable take-offs and landings , said those dreaded words feared by all trainee pilots , ‘ Do you think you can manage on your own for one circuit ? ’ , and promptly got out of the plane , leaving me to do the usual pre take-off checks , taxi to the beginning of the runway and nervously accelerate down the runway to do a fair take-off .
30 Pulsatilla seemed to cover the case as it now presented and successfully treated both the anxiety and the palpitations .
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