Example sentences of "[coord] [adv] [verb] [verb] [be] " in BNC.

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1 After all the doubts and uncertainties , wrote Harsnet , most of which I did not admit to myself , or else tried to pretend were an integral part of the project , sense now that it is on its way .
2 Those parts of the complex which were neither intact nor totally destroyed had been covered and converted to shelter equipment , and the central courtyard was almost completely sealed in by an open-sided marquee top supported on braced poles .
3 Work was interrupted by a fire in the palace in 1298 and little seems to have been done until 1320 , but Michael was occupied on other works for the Crown , being sent to Winchester Castle in 1306 .
4 Magheralin Parish Church plans to buy and stock a 100 acre farm in Uganda and already support has been promised from many sections of the community .
5 What encourages children to read and thus to learn to read is not some ‘ intrinsic reward ’ like praise or high marks or a special treat , but being able to read .
6 Three of the summer 's hottest hits — Felix 's Do n't You Want Me , Smart E 's Sesame 's Treet , and Hyper Go Go 's High — are pure Essex .
7 They would have planned to have won only about half the amount of possession that they did actually get and still hoped to have been in front .
8 ( One of the few politicians so far to have mentioned raising taxes in an election campaign and still have won is Bill Clinton . )
9 Although British statesmen had played a prominent part in bringing these organisations into being , the United Kingdom did not become a founder member and later approaches to join were either ineffective or rebuffed .
10 Both may be guessing , although the Encomiast is reasonably well-informed on the campaigns late in Æthelred II's reign , and William 's report of mixed methods need not be far wrong , even if it is a guess ; the armies which troubled England over the long period between c.985 and 1016 do often seem to have comprised the warbands of a number of men , are unlikely to have been organised and commanded solely by Danish kings , did not consist entirely of Danes , and frequently appear to have been motivated mainly by a desire for booty .
11 People who are mentally , physically and visually handicapped have been described in terms of their ‘ dependence ’ and this has been compared with the ‘ independence ’ enjoyed by intelligent , able-bodied adults in relation to the AL of maintaining a safe environment .
12 The most notable English progressive was Walter Porter ( c. 1588–1659 ) , who claimed Monteverdi as his ‘ good Friend and Maestro ’ and certainly seems to have been acquainted with the master 's Seventh Book ; indeed one madrigal , ‘ Wake Sorrow , Wake ’ , can be dated to 1615 , earlier than the Seventh Book .
13 ‘ This is apparently against prison regulations , but little seems to have been done to enforce the rule . ’
14 But now stagediving has been banned in most venues , where have the divers gone ?
15 ‘ What she did n't say and was too embarrassed to talk about was an uncanny feeling that she had only recently become aware of , but now realised had been growing in her ever since she had set foot on Titron .
16 Patrick looked out at Trinity College on his right and the Parliament buildings on is left , but neither seemed to have been scarred by the Rising .
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